家用电脑市场走向何方 IT业众巨头指点江山

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1994年开始,家用电脑得到了飞速发展,从1994年的10万台到1997年的75万台,在过去的四年里翻了7倍多,包括四川、湖南、辽宁在内的十余个省都把电子信息产业作为本省的支柱产业。然而,火爆的家用电脑市场也存在很多问题,在目前PC关键技术均掌握在国外厂商手中的情况下,各厂商产品之间在技术与质量上差距不大,在这种情况下,如何设计出有独特风格的产品,如何尽量简化家用电脑操作,降低用户的使用难度,同时提高家用电脑利用率,如何避免竞争中出现恶性价格战的局面等,已成为电脑业亟持解决的问题。8月26日,慧聪集团邀请了国内外著名PC厂商以及业界主要媒体,举办了首届家用电脑市场论坛,会上,慧聪集团市场研究人员、各厂商代表纷纷表达了对家用电脑市场未来的认识,向我们展现出未来家用电脑的发展趋势。 开幕式上,慧聪集团总裁郭凡生先生对各位厂商及媒体的到来表示感谢,同时提出了会议的主题:呼唤理性竞争,呼唤理性投资。他指出,由于国家在某些行业过度投资,十年来已白白浪费了5000亿,对国民经济造成了极大的损失。正是由于过度投资,导致了今天VCD的大战。他呼吁各厂商面对家用PC市场,多一些思考,考虑一下未来的PC市场有多大,未来的PC消费者有什么特征。同时鼓励各厂商在今天的发言中讲真话,讲实话。郭凡生先生 Since 1994, home computers have developed rapidly, from 100,000 units in 1994 to 750,000 units in 1997. In the past four years, they have more than sevenfold, including more than a dozen including Sichuan, Hunan, and Liaoning. The province regards the electronic information industry as the pillar industry of the province. However, there are also many problems in the popular home computer market. In the current situation where PC key technologies are controlled by foreign manufacturers, there is not much difference in technology and quality between manufacturers’ products. In this case, how to design With unique styles of products, how to simplify home computer operations as much as possible, reduce user’s difficulty in use, improve home computer utilization, and how to avoid a vicious price war in competition have become problems solved by the computer industry. On August 26th, HC Group invited well-known domestic and foreign PC manufacturers and major media in the industry to hold the first home computer market forum. At the meeting, the HC Group market researchers and representatives from various manufacturers expressed their understanding of the future of the home computer market. Show us the development trend of future home computers. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Guo Fansheng, President of HC Group, expressed his gratitude to all manufacturers and media. He also put forward the theme of the conference: Call for rational competition and call for rational investment. He pointed out that because the country has over-invested in certain industries, it has wasted 500 billion in a decade, causing great losses to the national economy. It is due to excessive investment that led to the VCD war today. He called on all manufacturers to face the home PC market and think more about it. Consider how big the future PC market will be and what characteristics future PC consumers will have. At the same time, encourage manufacturers to tell the truth and tell the truth in today’s speech. Mr. Guo Fansheng
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