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输精管结扎术是男性节育的一种良好方法,符合安全、可靠、简便、无痛苦的要求,在计划生育工作中占有重要位置。这一手术有较长的历史,1830年以来已有不少的研究,目前国内、外都在进行,我国学者对此手术也做了许多研究工作,积累了不少经验。本文就部分文献资料,有关输精管结扎术的一些问题作一简单综述。输精管结扎术对机体的影响一、输精管结扎后有关睾丸的组织变化问题输精管结扎术后精子虽然不能向外输送,但睾丸的机能并不因此而停顿,精原细胞继续 Vasectomy is a good method of birth control in men and is consistent with the requirements of safety, reliability, simplicity and painlessness, and plays an important role in family planning work. This operation has a long history. Since 1830, there have been quite a few studies conducted. At present, both at home and abroad are under way. Many Chinese scholars have done a lot of research work on this operation and accumulated a great deal of experience. This article reviews some of the literature, some of the issues related to vasectomy. Vasectomy on the body First, the vas deferens after the testicular tissue changes on the issue of vasectomy sperm although can not be transported out, but the testis function does not stop there, spermatogonia continue
羊水柱塞多发生于足月妊娠患者。近来我们在开展计划生育过程中,发生2例中期妊娠人工流产患者,经及时抢救而恢复,现报导于下: 例1 薛××,45岁,6孕5胎,闭经3月余,因
【正】 长期以来,静脉快速诱导常用琥珀胆硷来辅助气管内插管,但因其为去极化神经肌肉阻滞剂,具有干扰终板膜电位大、血钾增高、心血管副作用、肌颤