Practical Application of Participatory Approach in Land Conversion Project Planning: A Case in Quxia

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ihsc2Xid84
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Application of participatory approaches in governmental forestry projects is a bran-new forestry design method. The purpose is to plan the utilization of land correctly, and to determine planting sites, planting species, participating households and management models, based on the projects’ requirements and the farmers’ demands. Participatory approaches are now practiced in some of the counties in Land Conversion Project. The paper presents the significance and necessity of practicing community mechanism and participatory approach in governmental forestry projects. The author consider that in case the participatory approach of community forestry is widely applied in the governmental forestry projects and activities, the enthusiasm of rural communities and farmers to plant and to protect forest will be inspired, and it is an undoubted drive to sustainable utilization of forest resources. The author also discusses the possibility of applying participatory approaches in the planning stage of Land Conversio Application of participatory approaches in governmental forestry projects is a bran-new forestry design method. The purpose is to plan the utilization of land correctly, and to determine planting sites, planting species, participating households and management models, based on the projects’ requirements and the farmers’ demands. Participatory approaches are now practiced in some of the counties in Land Conversion Project. The paper presents the significance and necessity of practicing community mechanism and participatory approach in governmental forestry projects. The author consider that in case the participatory approach of community forestry is widely applied in the governmental forestry projects and activities, the enthusiasm of rural communities and farmers to plant and to protect forest will be inspired, and it is an undoubted drive to sustainable utilization of forest resources. The author also discusses the possibility of applying participatory approaches in the planning stage of Land Conversio
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