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中等职业教育对于培育应用型和技能型人才,促进社会充分就业,推动经济和社会的发展,具有重要意义。本文以呼和浩特市中等职业教育发展为研究案例,从理论和实践相结合的角度,对该市中等职业教育的发展历程及现状、面临的问题及困境进行了实证分析,在此基础上对其进一步发展的政策选择进行了较为深入的研究和探讨。鉴于呼和浩特市(以下简称呼市)中等职业教育的发展在政府管理、办学主体管理以及资源整合等方面都存在着较大缺陷,本文即以应用研究为取向,采取文献法、历史法、比较法、演绎法等多元方法,深入分析和探讨了其进一步发展的总体思路和具体对策。通过研究,本文得出的结论是:促进呼市中等职业教育健康持续的发展,需要政府部门、教育(办学)主体、用人单位及其它社会主体的充分参与合作,需要形成多元主体协同共治的格局;根据呼市的实际情况,本文提出的思路和对策是:优化政府宏观规划与调控,试行“双元制”办学模式,建立多元化筹资渠道,实行以市场为导向的发展策略。 Secondary vocational education plays an important role in cultivating applied and skilled personnel, promoting full employment in society and promoting economic and social development. In this paper, the development of secondary vocational education in Hohhot as a case study, from a combination of theory and practice of secondary vocational education in the city’s development process and the status quo, problems and difficulties faced by an empirical analysis, on this basis, further Development of the policy options conducted a more in-depth study and discussion. In view of the great flaws in the development of secondary vocational education in Hohhot, such as government administration, the management of running schools and resources integration, this dissertation takes the application research as the orientation and adopts the methods of literature, history and comparative law , Deductive method and other multiple methods, in-depth analysis and discussion of the general idea of ​​its further development and specific countermeasures. Through the research, the conclusion of this paper is: to promote the healthy and sustained development of secondary vocational education in Hohhot requires the full participation and cooperation of the government departments, the main body of education (schools), employers and other social subjects, and the need for the formation of multiple subjects co-governance According to the actual situation in Hohhot, the ideas and countermeasures proposed in this paper are: optimizing the government’s macro-planning and regulation, piloting the “dual system” mode of education, establishing diversified financing channels and implementing the market-oriented development strategy.
近年来,我国产能过剩现象频出不穷,严重影响着我国经济的持续健康发展,对于产能过剩问题的研究也因此成了学术界探讨的热点。本文基于股票市场驱动并购(Security Market Drive A