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“巍巍六盘,赫赫千仞,泱泱黄河,汤汤万里,厚土苍天,物阜民丰”。这是宁夏回族自治区人民政府主席王正伟所著《民生赋》中的诗句,气势磅礴地描述了西部最小的省区——自古就被美誉“塞北江南”的宁夏。“小省也要有大作为”。这是10年前宁夏回汉儿女,在仅有6.64万平方公里的土地上,响亮地喊出的口号。10年磨砺、实践已经证明,西部大开发极大地推动了宁夏经济社会的快速发展,呈现出十大亮点:经济增速连续9年超过10%,高于全国平均水平;基础设施沧海巨变;民族团结、民生改善展笑颜;粮食连续7年稳产增产;特色优势工业形成规模;改革走在了西部乃至全国前列;小省区做出大文化;中阿博览会将成中阿经贸合作“支点”;全国唯一的沙化逆转省区……新十年,在经济转型和产业升级的国家战略背景下,宁夏又将如何谋变?6月,灿烂明媚,《西部大开发》杂志社特派记者到宁夏各地进行了深入采访。我们在真切地感受着神奇宁夏魅力无限的同时,也在探寻着宁夏未来发展的方略——2010年12月,宁夏“沿黄经济区”已经上升为国家战略,成为全国18个主体功能开发区之一。宁夏,要以“建设和谐富裕新宁夏”为目标,蓝图将主要绘制在黄河沿岸。通过黄河把宁夏十个城市连接起来,以“黄河金岸”为大城市核心区来规划和经营,将母亲河作为一条景观河来保护和管理,实现千百年来“天下黄河富宁夏”的光荣与梦想…… “Lofty Liupanshe, Hehe thousand 仞, 泱 泱 the Yellow River, Tang Tang Wanli, thick soil heaven, things Fumin Feng.” This is the poem from “People’s Livelihood Fundamentals,” written by Wang Zhengwei, Chairman of the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It magnanestly depicts Ningxia, the youngest provincial and western region in the world, since ancient times to be known as the “Saibei Jiangnan.” “Small province should also have big as ”. This is the slogan loudly shouted by the Huihan children of Ningxia 10 years ago on land of only 66,400 square kilometers. Practice has proved that the great development of the western region has greatly promoted the rapid economic and social development of Ningxia and has ten bright spots: the economic growth has exceeded 10% for 9 consecutive years, higher than the national average level; the sea of ​​infrastructure has changed; the ethnic Solidarity and livelihood improvement smile; grain for 7 consecutive years of steady increase in production; characteristics of the formation of industrial scale; reform in the forefront of the western and even the whole country; small provinces and autonomous regions to make a big culture; China-Arab Expo will become the economic and trade cooperation between the “fulcrum” ; The only desertification to reverse the provinces and autonomous regions ...... The new decade, in the context of national strategy of economic restructuring and industrial upgrading, Ningxia and how to seek change? June, bright and beautiful, “Western Development” magazine correspondent to Ningxia In-depth interviews conducted. While truly feeling the magical charm of Ningxia, we are also exploring the strategy for the future development of Ningxia. In December 2010, Ningxia “along the Yellow River Economic Zone” has risen to a national strategy and became the 18 main functions of the country One of the development zones. In Ningxia, we should aim at “building a harmonious and affluent New Ningxia” and the blueprint will be mainly drawn along the Yellow River. Through the Yellow River to connect ten cities in Ningxia, “Yellow River Gold Coast” as the core area of ​​the big city to plan and operate, the mother river as a landscape river to protect and manage, to achieve thousands of years Ningxia "glory and dream ......