加快户籍制度改革 推动城乡一体化发展

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随着我国城镇化的发展,城乡一体化发展问题与农业转移人口市民化等问题成为当前全面建成小康社会的重要议题,而户籍制度改革是解决该问题的关键环节。当前,我国户籍制度改革存在的主要问题有:大城市户籍制度改革进展较慢、外来人口获取城镇公共服务较难、福利与户籍挂钩。我国农业转移人口市民化所遇到的主要问题有:部分农民担心进城可能面临原有福利的损失、部分城市居民担心自己的福利水平会因为外来人口落户而下降、地方政府推进户籍制度改革的积极性不高、扩大城市公共服务覆盖面面临较大的资金压力。鉴于此,为加快户籍制度改革,推进农业转移人口市民化,推动城乡一体化发展,提出建立事权和支出责任相适应的制度、建立财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制、保障进城落户农民的农村财产权益等对策建议。 With the development of urbanization in our country, the integration of urban and rural areas and the popularization of agricultural population have become important topics for building a well-to-do society in an all-round way. The reform of the household registration system is a key link in solving this problem. At present, the main problems existing in the reform of China’s household registration system are as follows: The progress of the reform of the household registration system in the big cities is relatively slow; it is more difficult for the migrant population to obtain urban public services and the benefits are linked to household registration. Some of the main problems encountered by the urbanization of China’s agricultural transfer population are: some peasants are worried that they may face the loss of their original benefits when entering the city, some urban residents are worried that their welfare level will decline due to the immigration of local residents, and local governments will push forward the reform of the household registration system Enthusiasm is not high, expanding the coverage of urban public services are facing greater financial pressure. In view of this, in order to speed up the reform of the household registration system, promote the popularization of agricultural transfer population and promote the integration of urban and rural areas, put forward a system that is appropriate for the responsibility and spending responsibilities and establish a pegging mechanism between the transfer payment of finance and the urbanization of the rural population to be transferred Peasant ’s Rural Property Rights and Countermeasures.
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