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1931年“九一八”事变爆发后,张学良执行蒋介石的不抵抗政策,致使东北军不战而失掉东北。从此,也把张学良抛入巨大的历史耻辱中。 在舆论压力下,1933年3月8日,张学良致电南京,引咎辞职。11日,他正式把国民军事委员会北平分会委员长之职移交军政部长何应钦,同时辞去东北边防军总司令职,东北军改组。张学良政治、军事生涯陷入绝境。他内心十分悲痛,说:“从国家民族的利益出发,大家说我不抵抗,我不想辩白,但下野之后,这个罪名要背到哪天呢?”(《沈阳文史资料》,第十辑) 这时,他于痛苦中做出了个人生活中的重大决定,下决心戒掉毒瘾。他说,我戒毒之日起,不管多么痛苦,如有人拿毒品给我的话,我写上打死他。难受的时候,他让人把手脚捆在床上。戒毒之后,他全身像换了新血一样。无疑,张学良戒掉毒瘾,身体康复,对他日后重新投入政治生活,做出许多重大决策是有帮助的。4月,张学良被迫出访西欧。 1934年1月,张学良从欧洲返回上海。这时,他的思想有了一些明显的转变。他斥责那些到新加坡、香港来接他的人,不是要官,就是要钱,不做一些对抗日有利的实事。他开始考虑抵抗日本的问题了。 2月,蒋介石发表张学良为豫鄂皖“剿匪”副总司令。东北军中许多官兵对故乡沦陷之时被调到炎热南方同红军打内战,十分不满。一些东 After the outbreak of the “September 18” incident in 1931, Zhang Xueliang executed Chiang Kai-shek’s non-resistance policy, causing the Northeast Army to lose northeast without fighting. Since then, Zhang Xueliang also thrown into the huge historical shame. Under the pressure of public opinion, on March 8, 1933, Zhang Xueliang called Nanjing to take the blame and resign. On the 11th, he formally handed over the post of chairman of the Beiping Branch of the National Military Commission to He Yingqin, the military and government minister. Meanwhile, he resigned as the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Frontier Defense Forces and restructured the Northeast Army. Zhang Xueliang politics, military career into despair. He grieved in his heart and said: “From the interests of the nation and nation, everyone said that I did not resist and I did not want to defend myself. However, what day should I be charged when I am behind the scenes?” (“Shenyang Historical Materials”, No.10) At this moment, he made a great decision in his personal life in pain, determined to put an end to drug addiction. He said that since the date of drug detoxification, no matter how painful it is, if someone gives drugs to me, I write to kill him. When uncomfortable, he let people put their hands and feet in bed. After detoxification, he was like a whole new blood. Undoubtedly, it is helpful for Zhang Xueliang to put an end to the drug addiction and get physically rehabilitated so that he can rejoin the political life and make many major decisions in the future. In April, Chang Hsueh-liang was forced to visit Western Europe. January 1934, Zhang Xueliang returned to Shanghai from Europe. At this moment, his thinking has made some obvious changes. He rebuked those who came to Singapore and Hong Kong to pick him up either as officials or as money, without doing anything beneficial to Japan. He began to consider the issue of resistance to Japan. In February, Chiang Kai-shek published Chang Hsueh-liang as deputy commander in chief of the “bandit bandits” in Hubei, Anhui and Anhui provinces. Many officers and men of the Northeast Army were very dissatisfied with the Civil War they had been transferred to when the homeland fell to the hot south with the Red Army. Some east
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