
来源 :自然辩证法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michael_CL
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会聚技术,即以纳米技术、生物医学技术、信息技术和认知技术等四大主要前沿技术融合所构成的全新技术领域(简称NBIC),把人类科技发展对象从人类周围的世界转向人类自身,将给人类社会带来史无前例的巨变。美国各界对此展开了争论。大体上,争论可以分成技术进步主义与技术保守主义两大派。前者强调技术发展的必然性和人类自由的重要性,坚持科学技术是解放人类的力量,主张发展会聚技术以超越人类的生物限制;后者则以F.福山、B.乔伊、L.卡斯等人的观点为代表,依据“自然”的神圣性,主张对应当严格限制超越物种限制的技术使用。本文撷取争论中的主要观点,从尊崇自然还是自由的价值取向、技术发展必然性两方面分析了双方的分歧,认为,我们应以人类福祉为目标,谨慎推进会聚技术的发展。 Convergence technology, that is, the new technology field (NBIC) formed by the fusion of four major frontier technologies such as nanotechnology, biomedical technology, information technology and cognitive technology, shifts the target of human technology development from the world around human beings to the human beings themselves, Will bring unprecedented changes to human society. All walks of life in the United States started a debate. In general, the debate can be divided into two major groups, technological progress and technological conservatism. The former emphasizes the inevitability of technological development and the importance of human freedom. It insists that science and technology are the power to liberate human beings and advocate the development of converging technologies to surpass human biological limits. The latter refers to F. Fukuyama, B. Joey, L. Kass According to the sacred nature of “nature”, the author argues that the use of technology beyond the limits of species should be strictly restricted. This dissertation extracts the main points of the debate, analyzes the differences between the two sides based on the value orientation of respecting nature and freedom, and the inevitability of technological development. He believes that we should cautiously promote the development of convergence technology with the goal of human well-being.
感谢你,我的至爱 我是一名解放军战士。去年3月,我刚下新兵连就被分到了后勤处饲养班负责养鱼。说实在的,当时我对养鱼是一窍不通。有位班长从床头柜中拿出几本《农村百事通
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《中国民兵》伴随着祖国改革开放的步伐,已经走过了15个年头。我有幸在过去分管过这份杂志的工作,和编辑部的同志并肩工作了四五年,给我留下许多难以忘怀的东 The “Chines