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目的:调查医学生对预立医疗照护计划(ACP)的认知、态度、行为意向现状并进行相关影响因素分析。方法:本研究为横断面研究。于2019年4—5月,采用便利抽样法选取在广东省3所医学院校及其附属医院实习的医学生作为研究对象。使用一般资料调查问卷、自行设计的医学生ACP知信行问卷对其进行调查。采用多重线性回归分析进行影响因素分析。本次调查共发放问卷276份,回收有效问卷274份,有效回收率为99.3%。结果:医学生ACP认知调查问卷的平均正确率为48.75%;ACP态度调查问卷的条目均分为(4.00±0.53)分;医学生ACP行为意向调查问卷的条目均分为(3.94±0.59)分。多重线性回归分析结果显示,对所学专业的态度、有无社会兼职经历、是否听说过ACP以及是否接受过ACP的培训或课程是医学生ACP认知的影响因素(n P<0.05);是否进入临床实习和是否有过患者死亡的救治经历是医学生ACP态度的影响因素(n P<0.05);对所学专业态度、是否有过患者死亡的救治经历是医学生ACP行为意向的影响因素(n P<0.05)。n 结论:医学生对ACP有一定的接受度,但对ACP的知晓率普遍较低。应考虑完善相关教育方法和内容,为医学生在未来临床工作中做好角色适应,提升医学生的人文关怀素养以及ACP在临床中的推广做准备。“,”Objective:To investigate knowledge, attitude and practice intention of medical students on advance care planning (ACP) and to analyze the relevant influencing factors.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional study. From April to May 2019, the convenience sampling method was used to select medical students who were interning in 3 medical schools and affiliated hospitals in Guangdong Province as the research objects. General information questionnaire and self-designed ACP Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Intention Questionnaires were uesd to investigate. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to influencing factors. A total of 276 questionnaires were recovered in this survey, of which 274 were valid, the effective response rate was 99.3%.Results:The average accuracy rate of the ACP Knowledge Questionnaire for medical students was 48.75%. The average score of items of the ACP Attitude Questionnaire was (4.00±0.53) . The average score of items of the ACP Practice Intention Questionnaire for medical students was (3.94±0.59) . The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the attitude toward the major they studied, whether they had the part-time social experience, whether they heard of ACP and whether they received ACP training or courses were influencing factors of ACP knowledge for medical students (n P<0.05) . Whether they had clinical practice and whether they had the treatment experience of patients' death were the influencing factors of ACP attitude of medical students (n P<0.05) . Attitudes towards the major they learned and whether they had any experience in the treatment of patients' death were the influencing factors of ACP practice intention of medical students (n P<0.05) .n Conclusions:Medical students have a certain acceptance of ACP, but the awareness rate of ACP is generally low. Consideration should be given to improving the relevant education methods and content to prepare for the role adaptation of medical students in future clinical work, improving the humanistic care literacy of medical students and promotion of ACP in the clinical practice.
1990年6月淄博市淄川区发现布鲁氏菌病(以下简称布病)新发病人2例。我们于6月 23日至30日深入疫点进行了初步调查,现报告如下。 一、调查对象和方法 (一)调查对象:发病村内