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张昌:’99回响33人雕塑作品展是在世纪之末和21世纪即将来临之际所举行的,是希望这次雕塑展能回响追忆昨日,回响凸现今天,回响再创明天,在纷繁多彩的雕塑艺术天地中,在创造新世纪的辉煌中久久回响.工艺美院的雕塑专业是1956年工艺美院成立时创立的,成立了中央工艺美术科学研究所,设立张景祜泥塑工作室、汤子博面塑工作室、郑可教授负责金工研究室.1957年,学院设立特种工艺系,开设装饰雕塑专业;1981年增设金属工艺专业,1999年改装饰雕塑专业为雕塑专业.在这半个世纪的风雨、曲折中,工艺美院的雕塑专业,历经成功的喜乐、创业的艰辛,在工艺美院雕塑群体的努力工作中,渐进地得以发展,形成了自己的教学体系和学科形象,这就是始终坚持教学、科研、生产三位一体的专业原则,坚持专业基础与创作、造型与装饰、理论与实践、传统与现代的结合,在兼容互补中形成继承与发展的强大活力,推动中国当代雕塑艺术. Zhang Chang: ’99 Echo 33 Sculpture Exhibition was held at the end of the 21st century and the 21st century. It is hoped that this exhibition will echo the memory of yesterday. The echoes of this day are salient, the echoes of tomorrow and the colorful future Sculpture in the world of art, in the glory of the creation of the new century long time echo.Craft Academy of Fine Arts Sculpture was established in 1956 when the Academy of Fine Arts was established, the establishment of the Central Academy of Arts and Sciences, the establishment of Zhang Jingtao clay studios, Studio, Professor Zheng Ke is responsible for metalworking laboratory.In 1957, the college set up a special department of technology, opened a decorative sculpture professional; in 1981 an additional metalworking professional, decorative sculpture in 1999 for the professional sculpture.In this half a century of wind and rain, Twists and turns, the Academy of Arts sculpture professional, after the joy of success, the hardships of entrepreneurship, arts and crafts sculpture group in the hard work, and gradually developed to form their own teaching system and disciplinary image, which is always adhere to the teaching , Scientific research, production Trinity professional principles, adhere to the professional foundation and creation, modeling and decoration, theory and practice, the combination of tradition and modern, and in the meantime Complementary to create a strong vitality in the inheritance and development, promote Chinese contemporary sculpture.
20世纪我国现实主义的文学艺术在发展过程中,曾受到俄苏文艺的重要影响。早在1903年,就有普希金的《上尉的女儿》的中译本问世。 In the course of its development, the li
蔡元培(1868-1940) 蔡元培是我国著名的民主革命家、教育家,为发展中国教育文化事业功绩卓著。毛泽东称他为“学界泰斗,人世楷模”。 Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940) Cai Yuanpei
呼吸道传染病 1、隔离病人,防止与他人接触。 2、流行期间暂停集合和集体娱乐活动,不串门。 3、注意开窗通风,保持室内空气清新。必要时采取空气消毒措施,如紫外线照射、 3%过
孙为民 (中央美术学院副院长 ) :今年的毕业创作 ,总体上让人兴奋。以往教学中主要体现传授性 ,把教师对传统的理解、教师对教学的基本要求 ,融会到对造型要素的分阶段传授中