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随着改革开放的不断深入和发展,我国的建设工程质量的总体水平不断提高。多年来,我国一直强调必须贯彻“百年大计、质量第一”的方针。这对建立和发展社会主义市场经济和扩大对外开放发挥了重要作用。质量管理工作已经越来越为人们所重视。世界著名的管理专家桑德霍姆教授曾说过“质量是打开世界市场的金钥匙。”国际标准化组织于1987年发布了通用的ISO9000(质量管理和质量保证)系列保证,并得到了国际社会和国际组织的认可和采用,已逐步成为世界各国共同遵守的工作规范。当今世界正进行着一场商业竞争大战。而在这场战争中制胜的武器就是质量。谁赢得质量谁就有了这场战争的主动权。作为建设工程产品的工程项目,投资和耗费的人工、材料、以及能源都相当大。投资者付出巨大的投资,要求获得理想的,满足使用要求的工程产品。以期在预定时间内发挥作用,为社会主义经济建设 With the continuous deepening and development of reform and opening up, the overall quality of construction projects in our country has continuously improved. Over the years, our country has always stressed the need to implement the principle of “making achievements in a hundred years and quality first”. This played an important role in establishing and developing a socialist market economy and expanding opening up to the outside world. Quality management has been paid more and more attention. Professor Sandholm, a world-renowned management expert, once said that “quality is the golden key to opening up the world market.” ISO released its universal ISO9000 (Quality Management and Quality Assurance) series of assurances in 1987 and gained recognition from the international community And the recognition and adoption of international organizations have gradually become the norm of work that all the countries in the world abide by. The world today is undergoing a commercial competitive battle. The weapon to victory in this war is quality. Whoever wins the quality will have the initiative in this war. As a construction project of engineering products, investment and labor-intensive labor, materials, and energy are quite large. Investors make huge investments that require an ideal engineering product that meets the requirements of use. In order to play a role in the scheduled time for the construction of a socialist economy
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