A Preliminary Study on the Chemical Constituents in Different Plant Parts of R. acetosa L.

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengfang66
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[Objectives] To conduct preliminary study on the chemical constituents in different plant parts of R. acetosa L. [Methods] The systematic pre-test method was used for physical and chemical identification of aqueous extract,ethanol extract and petroleum ether extract from different plant parts of R. acetosa L.,and the chemical constituents were preliminarily determined. [Results] The different plant parts of R.acetosa L. were positive in the identification test of carbohydrate,protein,phenol,organic acid,flavonoid and anthraquinone,indicating that these constituents may be contained; roots and leaves were negative in the identification test of saponins; the four plant parts of R. acetosa L.were negative in the identification test of steroid and triterpene in the ethanol extract,but positive in petroleum ether extract; roots and flowers were positive in identification test of volatile oil and fat. [Conclusions]By comparing the pre-test results about four different plant parts of R.acetosa L.,it was found that the total plant of R. acetosa L. might contain carbohydrate,glycoside,protein,phenol,organic acid,flavonoid and anthraquinone; the roots and flowers of R. acetosa L. might contain volatile oil and fat; stems and leaves might contain saponins. [Objectives] To conduct preliminary study on the chemical constituents in different plant parts of R. acetosa L. [Methods] The systematic pre-test method was used for physical and chemical identification of aqueous extract, ethanol extract and petroleum ether extract from different plant parts of R. acetosa L., and the chemical constituents were preliminarily determined. [Results] The different plant parts of R.acetosa L. were positive in the identification test of carbohydrate, protein, phenol, organic acid, flavonoid and anthraquinone, indicating that these constituents may be contained; roots and leaves were negative in the identification test of saponins; the four plant parts of R. acetosa L. were negative in the identification test of steroid and triterpene in the ethanol extract, but positive in petroleum ether extract ; roots and flowers were positive in identification test of volatile oil and fat. [Conclusions] By comparing the pre-test results about four different plant parts of R.acetos a L., it was found that the total plant of R. acetosa L. might contain carbohydrate, glycoside, protein, phenol, organic acid, flavonoid and anthraquinone; the roots and flowers of R. acetosa L. might contain volatile oil and fat ; stems and leaves might contain saponins.
2015年09月14日WS_3-B-3980-98-2015通脉口服液Tongmai Koufuye【处方】丹参500 g川芎500 g葛根500 g【制法】以上三味,加水煎煮二次,第一次1.5小时,第二次1小时,合并煎液,滤
当前,税收工作步入新常态,亟需通过创新引领稽查工作不断向前发展,需要有突破惯性的创新思维、敢为人先的创新意识和奋发进取的创新精神。开展“三严三实”专题教育,既是地税稽查系统干部职工修身用权律己的内在要求,也是谋事创业做人的行为取向,对于加强税务稽查作风建设,鼓励和引导税务稽查干部自觉去适应新形势、解决新问题、开拓新局面具有非常重要的现实意义。  一、树立“常态化”思维,以高站位推动地税稽查工作  
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