游泳教学法(连载一) 教学训练手段与方法

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急功近利、枯燥乏味的教学与训练,致使大批有潜质的选手过早退出泳坛。为提高游泳教学训练质量,本刊今起连载俄罗斯《高等学校游泳教科书》(2001年俄《体育运动出版社》出版)“教学训练手段与方法” 一章内容,望引起读者对游泳教学新理论、新方法的关注。该部著作是俄罗斯国立体育学院“竞技与同步(花样)游泳、水上健身操、跳水和水球理论与方法教研室” 集体编写的,反映了俄罗斯各体育学院游泳教研室、各师范院校体育系的游泳教学经验,反映了近年来发表在俄罗斯各类游泳教科书,教材中介绍的教学手段与方法。 Quick success, boring teaching and training, resulting in a large number of potential players out of swimming too early. In order to improve the quality of swimming teaching and training, we publish a series of chapters in Russian Swimming Teaching Textbook of Colleges and Universities (published by Russia Sports Publishing House in 2001), teaching methods and methods of teaching training, New theory, new method of concern. The work of the Russian National Institutes of Physical Education “swimming and synchronized swimming (aerobics), water aerobics, diving and water polo theory and method of teaching ” Collectively compiled, reflecting the Russian Swimming Institute of Sport Institute, the physical education department of normal universities Swimming teaching experience, reflecting the teaching methods and methods introduced in Russia in recent years, all kinds of swimming textbooks, textbooks.
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颌面部外伤引起单眼失明的报道比较少见。我科自1979年以来,曾收治2例病人,1例是右颌面部外伤致左眼失明,另一例是鼻部外伤致右眼失明,报告如下。病例介绍: 例1 患者谷××,
著者应用羊膜充填巩膜缩短治疗牵引性视网膜脱离15例,取得初步成绩,现报告如下: 资料分析:15例中男12例,女3例。21~35岁13例(86.6%)。发生于眼球穿孔伤(包括球内异物)后8例。
患者:王××女 13岁门诊病志号。8131065。因右眼异物感于1981年9月9日来院治疗。两个月前发现右眼球外上方有一肿物,除异物感外,无其它不适。近半月来肿物明显增大,为豆粒