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为全面贯彻落实省委对当前财政经济工作的指示精神,克服“非典”对我省经济发展的负面影响,促进财政收支预算的顺利执行,现就进一步搞好增收节支工作,确保实现全年财政收支预算通知如下,请认真贯彻执行。一、我省当前的财政形势今年以来,我省国民经济开局良好。1至4月,全省地方财政一般预算收入累计完成93.41亿元,增长23.44%,财政支出完成155.32亿元,增长9.2%,执行情况基本正常。但是当前及今后一段时期财政运行中面临着严峻的形势:一是全面执行西部大开发和下岗失业人员再就业税收政策、停止征收农业特产税和个体工商户管理费等政策性减收因素集中实施,将减少财政收入。二是“非典”疫情对我省经济产生 In order to comprehensively implement the directives of the provincial party committee on the current fiscal and economic work and overcome the negative impact of the SARS on the economic development of our province and promote the smooth implementation of the fiscal revenue and expenditure budget, we are making further efforts to increase revenue and reduce expenditure so as to ensure To achieve the annual budget revenue budget as follows, please conscientiously implement. First, the current financial situation in our province Since this year, our province’s national economy has started well. From January to April, the general budget revenue of local finance in the province totaled 9.341 billion yuan, up 23.44%, while the financial expenditure was 15.532 billion yuan, up 9.2%. The implementation was basically normal. However, the current and future period of financial operation is facing a serious situation: First, the full implementation of the western development and reemployment of laid-off workers tax policy, to stop the collection of agricultural products tax and individual business management fees and other policies focused on the implementation of the reduction factor , Will reduce the financial income. Second, “SARS ” outbreak of the economy of our province
以往认为组织低灌注、缺氧和无氧酵解是血液中乳酸增加的原因 ,而乳酸增加的严重程度和持续时间与死亡相关。最近美国辛辛那提大学医学院 Shriner烧伤中心研究人员发现 ,肾上
目的:研究雄性大鼠去势1至4个月后,血管活性物质对离体动脉作用的改变.方法:采用双侧睾丸切除的雄性大鼠,分为假手术组(SHAM)、去势组(ORDX)和雄激素替代组(TP).于替代后 1、
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六星黑点蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler群众也叫枣树截杆虫,主要为害枣树。据初步调查,在晋县、赵县、束鹿等县枣树上均有发生。严重地块枣头被害率达64%,部分单株枣头被害