
来源 :上海企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shilei41193
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近年来商业竞争几乎到了白热化的程度。上海眼镜业的竞争也是咄咄逼人。不仅国内眼镜业发展如雨后春笋,更兼国际性企业集团纷纷打入上海市场。在这“群雄逐鹿”的眼镜市场上,“红星”一枝独秀,独占鳌头,全赖有一位有胆有识的好巾帼—郝秀英。在她的运筹下,红星形成了“大而专、专而特”的竞争模式,循序渐进推进连锁经营,重视科技和智力的投入,以人为本,团结奋进。郝秀英使“红星”闪亮的事迹启发着广大经营者。 In recent years, commercial competition has almost reached the level of white-hot. Shanghai optical industry competition is also aggressive. Not only the domestic optical industry mushroomed, but also both international enterprise groups have entered the Shanghai market. In this “crowded” glasses market, “Red Star” thriving, come out on top, thanks to a courageous knowledge of a good woman 帼 - Hao Xiuying. Under her operational plan, Red Star has formed a competitive model of “big but specialized, special and special”, promoted the chain management step by step, attached great importance to the input of science and technology and intelligence, put people first and forged ahead in unity. Hao Xiuying make “Red Star” flashing deeds inspire the majority of operators.
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1998年以来,我国经济发展中出现一些新的情况,产品过剩、企业开工不足、亏损面扩大、物价连续下降,对此,人们对形式有着不同的看法, Since 1998, there have been some new deve
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
九 九 岁 末 , 中 国 著 名 经 济 学 家 、 北 京 大 学 光 华 管 理 学 院 院 长 厉 以 宁 教 授 在 北 大 发 表 了 题 为 《 1999- 2000年 中 国 经 济 形 势 展 望 》 的
在解剖一老年女性尸体时,发现其左侧腹壁下动脉起自股深动脉,同时股深动脉起自髂外动脉,而旋股外侧动脉也起自髂外动脉。此种变异少见,现报道如下: When dissecting the bod
2000年中国国民经济的增长,有可能恢复到前年7.8%左右的水平。 In 2000, the growth of China’s national economy is likely to return to the level of about 7.8% of the