Studies on Fragmentation Regularity of 5-Methoxycarbonyl- 4-substituted-6-methyl-3,4-dihydropyrimid

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anlanyuan
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The electron impact time-of-flight(TOF) mass spectra of the title compounds were studied to establish their fragmentation processes. With the high resolution of the TOF instrument, the exact mass for each fragment was determined. These data were used to infer the molecular formulas and the elemental compositions for all the molecular ions and fragments through software interpretation. By further applying the fragmentation regularity, the majority of ions were fully assigned. The main fragmentation pathways of the title compounds include the formation of molecular ions by the loss of R 1 groups in the 4-position and the ester groups in the 5-position. The formed ion can be further fragmented by the elimination of MeOH. The electron impact time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectra of the title compounds were studied to establish their fragmentation processes. With the high resolution of the TOF instrument, the exact mass for each fragment was determined. These data were used to infer the molecular formulas and the elemental compositions for all the molecular ions and fragments through software interpretation. By further applying the fragmentation regularity, the majority of ions were fully assigned. The main fragmentation pathways of the title compounds include the formation of molecular ions by the loss of R 1 groups in the 4-position and the ester groups in the 5-position. The formed ion can be further fragmented by the elimination of MeOH.
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龚勇兵,男,1972年1月生,1990年12月入伍,1995年5月入党,重庆市江津区人。现任四川省泸州军分区政治部正营职干事,少校军衔。 1995年7月,龚勇兵从昆明陆军学院毕业后自愿申请