
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaowei7838
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(一)吞吐量规模指标 港口吞吐量是反映港口规模和发展水平的重要标志。 1.货物吞吐量:按货物年总吞吐量规模划分为6级:<500万吨为小型港,500万~1000万吨为中型港,1000万~5000万吨为大型港,5000万~1亿吨为超大型港,1亿~2亿吨为巨型港,>2亿吨为超巨型港。根据各港口的发展规划中吞吐量预测,到2010年:上海港为2.8亿吨属超巨型港,宁波港1.5亿吨,南京港1.01亿吨均为巨型港,舟山港8200万吨为超大型港,南通港4790万吨,镇江港4500万吨,泰州港1930万吨,张家港港2000万吨,江阴港1407万吨,常熟港1170万吨,太仓港1010万吨,均为大型港。 2.集装箱吞吐量:按集装箱年吞吐量规模划分为6级:<50万TEU为小型港,50万~100万TEU为中型港,100万~300万TEU为大型港,300万~600万TEU为超大型港,600万~1000万TEU为巨型港,>1000万TEU为超巨型 (A) Throughput size index Port throughput is an important symbol of the size and level of development of the port. 1. Cargo throughput: According to the total annual throughput of goods divided into 6 levels: <5 million tons for the small port, 500 million to 10 million tons for the medium-sized port, 10 million to 50 million tons for the large port, 50 million to 1 Hundreds of millions of tons of ultra-large port, 100 million to 200 million tons for the giant port,> 200 million tons for the giant port. According to the throughput forecast of each port development plan, by 2010, Shanghai Port will be 280 million tons of super-huge port, 150 million tons of Ningbo Port and 100 million tons of Nanjing Port will be giant ports, while Zhoushan Port will be 82 million tons 47.9 million tons of ports in Hong Kong and Nantong, 45 million tons in Zhenjiang, 19.3 million tons in Taizhou, 20 million tons in Zhangjiagang, 14,070,000 tons in Jiangyin, 11.7 million tons in Changshu and 10.1 million tons in Taicang. 2. Container Throughput: According to the container annual throughput scale, it is divided into 6 levels: <500,000 TEUs are small ports, 500,000 ~ 1 million TEUs are medium sized ports, 1 million to 3 million TEUs are large ports, 3 million to 6 million TEU is a very large port, 600 million ~ 10 million TEU for the giant port,> 10 million TEU for the giant
一个国家或者地区在法治成长的过程中总有些标志性事件或者案例(这类案例被称为主导性案例,即Leading cases),德国波茨坦郊外发生的“磨坊事件”就属于有关法治的标志性事件
摘要房屋拆迁在实践中引发许多纠纷,矛盾突出,形势不容乐观。引发这些纠纷的原因众多,本文主要以现行的拆迁模式为出发点进行考察,从对模式现状、拆迁的实质、现行模式的缺陷三方面来探讨矛盾的根源。  关键词非公益拆迁 拆迁模式 土地征收  中图分类号:D920.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2009)05-273-02    我们在任意的搜索引擎中输入“房屋拆迁”这个关键词,都会看见相
在程租合同中,一般订有装卸的合理时间,一旦超过这个约定时间而产生的时间损失通常被称为滞期费,本文简要介绍了船东计算滞期费与索赔的依据。 In the contract of rent, th