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  Host: Okay, so maybe there was a day when you looked at the person hosting that TV game show or reality program and thought to yourself, “Gee[表惊奇], I could do that.” Maybe you’ve had the same thought listening to the radio, I don’t know. Anyway, it raises the question of whether somebody like Ryan Seacrest really has talent, or really needs talent to host the
  Emmy’s and the Super Bowl注1, in
  addition to hosting American Idol.
  It may be easier to appreciate the art of hosting after you’ve seen it done badly.
  Merry Miller (Host): Holly, thanks so much for joining us.
  Holly Hunter (Actress): Okay, thank you.
  Miller: All right, Holly, thanks so much for joining us. Oh…okay, we love the show, so tell us…
  That’s Merry Miller’s botched[拙劣的]
  attempt to host an ABC News Now
  interview with actress Holly Hunter. Miller’s struggles amused millions who made her an unwilling star on the Internet.
  Bob Tuschman (Vice President, Food Network): (in a hosting contest) We have to consider everything you’ve done through all these weeks today, not just what happened in this set of challenges.
  Succeeding as a host, Tuschman says, takes a seemingly contradictory combination of skills.
  Tuschman: You’re a star, and you’re a little bit untouchable, and you…there’s something more glamorous[有魅力的] about your life than mine. But at the same time, I relate to[认同] you, I want to have coffee with you, I want to tell you my problems, and I feel like I know you.
  When it comes to hosting, John Tesh is a veteran[富有经验者]. He says different
  kinds of shows require very different skills.
  Tesh: There’s a cadence[节奏] to it. It’s almost like when you’re doing a
  baseball game—you can tell when the announcer is just not comfortable. Or…I can remember in the old days at CBS Sports when I, I was doing the Tour de France bike race, and the next day I had to do a horserace. And that horserace just crashed and burned because I didn’t have that cadence.
  Tuschman: It is very difficult to have a great sense of yourself when you have 40 people in a room staring at you with the lights going and you have ten cameras on you. It’s…I, I know how hard it is. It is much harder than it looks.
  Tesh: For me, I studied Cronkite注2 and also especially, Brokaw注3, who told me personally, he said, “You know, the real power of a communicator is knowing when to produce silence.”
  Tesh says big, live events like the Olympics present the greatest challenge of all. Tesh is in awe of Bob Costas
  and other hosts who chat before millions of viewers while taking cues from a director in one earpiece[耳机] and a producer in the other.
  Still, the principle of knowing when to stop
  applies[适用]—something he observed when he worked the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament with Pat Summerall.
  Tesh: McEnroe注4 would hit an amazing winning shot and Summerall would just go, “McEnroe!” And that’s it! That’s all he would say, you know, and…because that’s all it really needed.
  Let me try it—Masters!
  Link: The New Ruler of All Media?
  So far, Ryan Seacrest has not taken over the entire world—only its shiniest, most glittery[闪光的]
  broadcasts. His sweetly vanilla[香草] good looks mask a monster of a work ethic[道德]. Every weekday,
  he wakes at 4:00 a.m. to host a morning radio show in Los Angeles. Then he hosts a TV program
  for the E! channel. Then he edits and hosts a national radio show. On weekends, he relaxes
  by hosting one of the longest running pop
  radio shows, heard on over 500 stations.
  Seacrest: (broadcasting) American Top 40 right here. I’ll be with you on...
  Larry Rossin (Media Analyst): In the course of a very short period of time, he’s essentially replaced Dick Clark in his longstanding emcee[主持人] duties on so many shows. He’s replaced Casey Kasem; he’s replaced Rick Dees, who was the No. 1 morning man in Los
  And there’s rumors, says Rosin, that Seacrest will eventually take over[接管] Larry King’s show as well.
  Rosin: Tipping[弄翻] them over one by one, replacing everyone of these sort of old media hosts. You would think a new guy would…a different new guy or gal[女孩]
  would come into each one of these positions, but in
  every case it’s Ryan Seacrest.
  Ryan Seacrest has consolidated[巩固] so many media roles, it’s almost like a reflection of an era where media companies have gobbled[狼吞虎咽] each other up and where glossy注5 entertainment seems to trump[胜过]
  hard news.
  注1:超级碗(Super Bowl)是美国国家美式足球联盟的年度冠军赛,在每年一月最后一个周日或二月第一个周日举行,那一天称为“超级碗星期天”(Super Bowl Sunday)。超级碗是全美收视率最高的电视节目之一。
  注2:指沃尔特·克朗凯特(Walter Cronkite,1916-2009),他在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)担任晚间新闻节目主持人,是CBS的新闻台柱。
  注3:指汤姆·布罗考(Tom Brokaw),他担任全国广播公司(NBC)晚间新闻节目主持人,是NBC的收视王牌。
  注4:指约翰·麦肯罗(John McEnroe),美国职业网球运动员,曾在上世纪80年代位列单打和双打世界排名第一。
  注5:“glossy magazine”又作“glossy”,是一个非正式用语,指的是有大量彩图、用有光纸印刷的通俗杂志。
Athingofbeautyisajoyforever:  Itslovelinessincreases;Itwillnever  Passintonothingness;butstillwillkeep  Abower[遮阴处]quietforus,andasleep  Fullofsweetdreams,andhealth,andquietbreathing.  Aflowerybandtob
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很多人都知道今年是肖邦诞辰200周年,其实今年也是另一位同样以创作钢琴曲闻名的音乐家——舒曼(1810 -1856)诞辰200周年。这位生性敏感、勇于创新的德国音乐家是浪漫主义音乐成熟时期的代表人物之一。  舒曼的代表作包括钢琴曲《狂欢节》、《交响练习曲》和《童年即景》等,这些乐曲引领了浪漫主义音乐风格的进一步发展。而声乐套曲《诗人之恋》、管弦乐作品《曼弗雷德序曲》同样是不可多得的古典杰作。   
Serena Williams serves the ball even faster than Andre Agassi on some days. But Shaquille O’Neal dunks[扣篮] the ball better than anyone from the WNBA注1   ever could. So who are better athletes—guys or
I can be tough  I can be strong  But with you  It’s not like that at all  There’s a girl  That gives a shit[不太在乎]  Behind this wall  You just walk through it    And I remember  *All those crazy things
1. BASE Jumping (sometimes written as B.A.S.E. jumping): BASE stands for Buildings, Antennae[天线], Spans[桥墩之间的一段桥梁] (bridges) and Earth (cliffs)—these being the fixed objects that masters of this incre
Hollywood has taken an unusually 1)reserved 2)approach to the earthquake and 3)tsunami in Japan, but 4)analysts say they don’t expect this to be 5)permanent.  A week after the earthquake, Warner Bros.
妈妈,我知道你担心我,但还是放手让我自己出去闯荡。妈妈,感谢你对我的信任。    My mother always reminds me that on the first day of kindergarten, while other kids were crying for their moms not to go, I was telling her to leave already. S
历史上曾经出现了多次海难事件,最广为人知的无疑是泰坦尼克号海难。这艘号称“永不沉没”的远洋客轮在1912年的处女航行中撞上了冰山,在短短几小时内沉没于北大西洋,造成1500人罹难。其残骸于1985年被发现。二十几年过去了,这座海底坟墓如今有什么变化呢?让我们跟随当年发现残骸的科学家们重访这艘富有传奇色彩的巨轮。    听力小提示:本文生词较多,只适合作为泛听材料使用。建议先听一遍声音,记下听到的信
在众多埃及木乃伊中,最有名的莫过于图坦卡蒙的木乃伊。图坦卡蒙为现代人广为熟知是因为他的坟墓在三千年的时间内从未被盗,直到1922年才被英国人霍华德·卡特(Howard Carter)发现,挖掘出大量珍宝,震惊了西方世界。当然还有那个被媒体过分渲染的“法老的诅咒”。  为了从科学的角度全面了解图坦卡蒙,我们请来埃及著名考古学家、埃及最高文物委员会主席扎希·哈瓦斯给我们讲解这位神秘君王的故事。(CE: