
来源 :考试与评价(大学英语教研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruguofengdiao
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现代翻译产业发展以信息技术为助力,逐步向翻译协同化、管理科学化、人才结构化方向发展,对翻译从业人员的职业技能提出了更高要求,这就要求翻译教学中更多关注翻译职业技能的培养。本文针对翻译专业本科教育提出设置符合翻译产业需求的翻译职业技能课程、根据翻译产业人才需求设计职业技能发展课程的内容、开发多样化网络资源以提升翻译教学的技术含量,以及探索产学研结合的新路子以提升翻译教学的职业化导向等建议,希冀在翻译职业技能培养方面得到更多同仁的关注与探讨。 The development of modern translation industry with information technology as an aid, and gradually to the translation of the collaborative, scientific management, personnel structure of the direction of translation of the professional and technical personnel put forward higher requirements, which requires more emphasis on translation teaching translation career Skills training. This article aims to set up a translating vocational skill curriculum that meets the needs of the translation industry for undergraduate education in translation. According to the needs of the translation industry professionals, it designs the content of the vocational skills development curriculum, develops diversified network resources to improve the technical content of translation teaching, New ways to enhance the professionalism of translation teaching and other suggestions, hoping to get more vocational training in translation aspects of attention and discussion.
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