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一座建筑最重要的是什么?相信绝大多数人给出的答案都是两个字:基础。俗话说“基础不牢,地动山摇”。现正在施工的530个人工挖孔灌注桩就是营运中心工程最基础的部分,是整幢大楼的命根子!在这530根桩中,有的最深可达23米、孔径达3.8米、单桩承载力可达12631吨。挖孔桩的施工是整个桩基础工程的难点和重点,说它是难点和重点,并不是说它在技术上有多么深奥、在操作上有多么复杂,而是说在施工过程的管理与监督、安全与质量的跟踪与控制上要周密计划、严格部署、逐项落实、一丝不苟,任何马虎和疏漏都有可能付出生命代价!业内人都有一个共识,像这种规模的人工挖孔灌注桩施工,能不出现人身伤亡事故的,凤毛麟角。安全和质量是所主要领导在多次会议上反复强调、特别关注的问题,也是营运中心项目的头等大事。为确保人工挖孔桩的质量和安全,营运中心领导在人工挖孔桩施工前督促监理单位、施工单位做了周密部署,派出了由施工督察、土建工程师、安全工程师3人组成的“铁三角”工作组,专责协助监理单位盯牢施工单位的人工挖孔桩施工。为让所内员工对人工挖孔桩有所了解,在一定程度上消除对此项施工安全和质量管理存在的疑虑与顾虑,在人工挖孔桩施工全面展开之际,我们将“铁三角”工作组撰写的《营运中心人工挖孔灌注桩施工阶段安全与质量控制之我见》在本刊发出,敬请有兴趣的员工关注。今后将视工程进度和员工需求,刊发系列招标、施工方面的文章,供大家赏析。 What is the most important thing about a building? I believe most people give the answer is two words: the foundation. As the saying goes “foundation is not strong, moving mountains shake ”. The 530 artificial digging and filling piles under construction are the most basic part of the operation center project and are the lifeblood of the entire building! Among these 530 piles, some can reach a depth of up to 23 meters with a hole diameter of 3.8 meters. Carrying capacity of up to 12,631 tons. The construction of digging pile is the difficulty and emphasis of the whole pile foundation engineering. It is difficult and important to say that it is not technically esoteric, complicated in operation, but rather management and supervision in the construction process , Safety and quality tracking and control should be carefully planned, rigorous deployment, one by one implementation, meticulous, any sloppy and omissions are likely to pay the price of life! Insiders have a consensus, such as the size of artificial digging piles Construction, can there be personal injury accidents, rare. Safety and quality are issues that are repeatedly highlighted by major leaders at various meetings and are of special concern. They are also top priorities for the operation center project. In order to ensure the quality and safety of manual digging pile, the leader of the operation center urged supervision units and construction units to make careful arrangements before the construction of artificial digging piles and dispatched “Iron” consisting of construction inspector, civil engineer and safety engineer Triangle “working group, to assist the supervision unit to stare the construction unit manual digging pile construction. In order to let the staff to understand the manual digging pile, to a certain extent, to eliminate the construction safety and quality management of the doubts and concerns, in the full manual digging pile construction, we will ”Iron Triangle “Working Group authored” My Opinion on Safety and Quality Control during Construction of Excavation Pouring Pile in Operation Center "was issued in this magazine, so please pay attention to those who are interested. In the future, we will publish a series of articles on bid invitation and construction for your appreciation based on the project progress and staff needs.
俗话说:“牙痛不是病,痛起来真要命”。那末,对牙痛有无简便应急疗法呢?龋齿病(俗称蚊牙) 当病变严重时,就会感到牙痛,尤其在吃较硬食物或甜酸、冷热时,疼痛加剧。中老年人
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