六盘水市委书记李再勇主持召开征求老干部意见座谈会 周荣 魏树旺 李朝卉 张志祥 出席

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2013年12月16日,在全市上下深入贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会和省委十一届四次全会精神、奋力冲刺全年经济社会目标任务之际,六盘水市委书记李再勇主持召开征求老干部意见座谈会,听取老干部们对该市经济社会发展等各方面的意见和建议。市委副书记、市长周荣,市委副书记、常务副市长魏树旺,市委常委、市委组织部部长、统战部部长李朝卉,市委常委、市委秘书长张志祥出席座谈会。原担任地级领导职务的离退休老干部管彦鹤、娄可平、时念好等17名老同志参加座谈会。座谈会上,魏树旺首先向老同志通报了2013年全市经济发展情况,随后老干部们对该市经济社会发展所取得的成绩及市委开门纳谏的务实作风给予了高度评价,并围绕工业、交通、城建、民生、作风 On December 16, 2013, Li Zayong, Secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, chaired the solicitation on behalf of Li Zaiyong, party secretary of the Liupanshui Municipal Government, to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Provincial Committee in the city and sprint for the annual economic and social goals. Opinions of old cadres forum, listen to veteran cadres on the city’s economic and social development and other aspects of the opinions and suggestions. Zhou Rong, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor Zhou Rong, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and executive vice mayor Wei Shuwang, Li Zhaoli, member of the Municipal Committee and Municipal Organization Department, minister of the United Front Work Department, Zhang Zhixiang, member of the Municipal Committee and secretary general of the municipal party committee attended the forum. 17 former comrades, including former retired veteran cadres Guan Yan-ha and Lou Ke-ping, who were formerly leaders of the prefecture-level leadership, attended the symposium. At the forum, Wei Shuwang firstly informed the old comrades about the economic development of the city in 2013. Afterwards, veteran cadres spoke highly of the achievements made by the city in economic and social development and the pragmatic work style of the municipal party committee. Urban construction, livelihood, style
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【前言】  书接上文。上回书说到,东伯雪鹰顺利成为“候补元老”之一,一年后,水源道观观主司空阳前来检验“候补元老”们的修行成果,东伯雪鹰表现如何?且听作者我吃西红柿细细道来。  “下一个……”司空阳目光落在东伯雪鹰身上,脸上微微有着一丝笑意,“东伯雪鹰!”  他对东伯雪鹰是比较偏爱的。一来是东伯雪鹰进步真的很快,怕是百年内就有望凝结出水火真意;二来这是他水源道观的超凡,当初也是晁青力荐,他也在旁表