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给操作复杂、人机界面生硬的电器产品加上“会说话”的功能,是很多使用者和设计者的心愿。例如,你只要一打开电源开关。它就“说话”,告诉你它的使用方法,甚至一步一步的提示你操作,这对普通使用者来说无疑是个好事,而对老年人、儿童、残疾人、文化程度不高的人来说则更是个大喜讯。再如,在全国的各处名胜古迹、游览胜地,都是千片一律地挂着“解说牌”,如果它也能见人就开口说话解说导游一下,其效果也定深为人爱。但是,目前这种“会说话电器”的设计生产都是困难的,因 To the operation of complex, man-machine interface hardware products with “talking” function, is the wish of many users and designers. For example, you only have to turn on the power switch. It “speaks”, tells you how to use it, and even prompts you to do it step by step, which is undoubtedly a good thing for average users. For the elderly, children, the disabled, people with a low level of education It is even more good news. Another example, in all parts of the country monuments, tourist attractions, are all hanging one thousand “explanatory card”, if it can be seen talking about the opening talk about the interpretation of the effect is also deeply rooted love. However, the current design and production of such “talking electrical appliances” is difficult because of this
辽椒一号 辽宁省农科院园艺所育成.早熟,生育期100天左右.株高51~60厘米,株幅60~70厘米,长势中上等.植株7~8片叶分枝,着生第一果序.果实扁灯笼形,平均单果重120克左右.果肉较厚
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目的 探讨经右心室注射脱氢野百合碱及其联合低氧诱导犬肺动脉高压的应用方法和技术参数,评估犬肺动脉高压冷冻消融去交感神经术对两种建模方式的有效性.方法 选取行去肺动脉
目的 评价改良大隐静脉高位结扎剥脱术治疗原发性大隐静脉曲张的临床效果及安全性.方法 选取2019年1月至2019年6月首都医科大学附属北京潞河医院收治的89例原发性大隐静脉曲
F0469—1是我所从国外博茨瓦纳引进的普通豇豆中经单株选育而成的优良品系,经连续三年鉴定 F0469-1 is a fine line obtained by single plant breeding of common cowpea