
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linshenxiu
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根据中国国情与上海经济腹地特征,上港国际航运中心应该既是区域性的,同时又是世界性的。区域性指的是为国内、东亚和东南亚的航运贸易服务;世界性指的是接纳全球承运人的干线船舶,为环球航运贸易服务。应该先是腹地型的,以后逐步增加中转比重,讲它是腹地型,因为它地处我国南北海岸线中点。又是万里长江入海处,长江是一条“黄金水道”流经10个省、市、自治区,同17条铁路线相联结,经济腹地是很广的,到2000年单是上海港吞吐量就会增长到2.2亿吨,其中集装箱400万TEU,它以后也会是中转型的,现在还不明显,但已初露端倪,集装箱中转量已从1994年的6.5%上升到去年的11.5%。全球50%以上的海运同亚洲有关,50%以上的集装箱处理量在亚洲,可以预言上海港的集装箱中转量会与日俱增的。 According to China's national conditions and the characteristics of Shanghai's economic hinterland, the Shanghai-Hong Kong International Shipping Center should be both regional as well as worldwide. Regional refers to the domestic, East Asian and Southeast Asian shipping trade services; the world refers to the global carrier to accept the main line of ships for the global shipping trade services. Should be the first hinterland type, and then gradually increase the proportion of transit, saying it is hinterland type, because it is located in the mid-point of our country's north-south coastline. The Yangtze River is a “golden waterway” flowing through 10 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. It is connected with 17 railway lines and the economic hinterland is very extensive. By 2000, the throughput of Shanghai Port alone would be To 220 million tons, including 4 million TEU of containers. It will also be a medium-sized one. It is still not obvious at present. However, it has begun to take shape and the volume of container transshipment has risen from 6.5% in 1994 to 11.5% last year. More than 50% of the world's shipping is related to Asia, with more than 50% of container handling capacity in Asia. It can be predicted that the container traffic in Shanghai Port will increase day by day.
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春风拂面的四月,宝钢运输业发展战略研讨会隆重举行。宝钢集团董事长黎明、副董事长朱尔沛以及其他领导与来自各方面的专家学者就此主题展开了针对性研讨。 本刊记者应邀对
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