On the Strategies of Effective Vocabulary Teaching Practice in Senior High School

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  【Abstract】Vocabulary is the basis of language learning. In senior high school English teaching, the teaching of English vocabulary is the basis of other teaching links, which should be regarded as the focus of teaching. English teachers should face the realistic problem, change ideas, to arouse the students’ confidence and interest in learning vocabulary, guiding them to master some scientific memory method. In the classroom, using some effective vocabulary teaching strategies are used, such as teaching context, teaching experience and teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing, to improve students’ ability of memorizing words. Out of the classroom, choosing suitable reading materials for students to read to consolidate and expand vocabulary.
  【Key words】senior high school; Vocabulary; Effective Teaching Practice; Strategies
  1. Introduction
  Engaged in the first line of high school English teaching teachers may have such a sigh: how many of the students’ vocabulary determines their English and English level, student achievement is not ideal because their mastery of vocabulary is not much. And the memory and consolidation of vocabulary appears to be a very simple thing, but for a high school student, want to really grasp and use good corresponding stage of vocabulary, and gradually be able to enrich, is not an easy thing. Most of my students have spent a lot of time but have trouble remembering words, so they gradually lose confidence, lose interest, and even give up learning English. It can be seen that the learning and consolidation of English vocabulary is the biggest obstacle for students to learn English, and how to remove this obstacle is the question that our English teachers focus on thinking and exploring.
  2. The importance of vocabulary teaching in English teaching
  Language includes three elements of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary is one of the three elements, which is the basis of language learning. “Without grammar very little can be played, without vocabulary nothing can be played,” said D.A. ilkins, a famous British linguist. The importance of vocabulary in English learning is obvious. Without words, everything is empty. Clearly stipulated in the New Standard Curriculum, middle school English vocabulary teaching task is: in the teaching process, teachers should make sure that the students not only learn rules in the number of words, but also to make the master vocabulary learning vocabulary and fast and efficient memory method. In conclusion, vocabulary teaching is of vital importance in the whole teaching of English.   3. Effective strategies for vocabulary learning and vocabulary teaching
  3.1 Raise the importance of vocabulary teaching and stimulate students’ interest in vocabulary learning
  To improve the students’ vocabulary memory and the effect of consolidation, first of all, teachers should have sufficient awareness of the importance of vocabulary teaching. After fully recognizing the importance of vocabulary teaching, teachers should think of some strategies to stimulate students’ interest in vocabulary learning.
  3.2 To strengthen the students’ phonetic foundation, master certain word formation method
  Accurate pronunciation is the basis of learning and memorizing vocabulary spelling. Through the summarization and experience of some pronunciation rules, it has a great effect on students’ memory and consolidates vocabulary spelling. Teachers should pay attention to teach students according to the pronunciation rules of memory vocabulary. In addition, understanding the word-formation method of English vocabulary also has a great help to memory. Word-formation is a very important part of English vocabulary learning and memory.
  3.3 Instruct students to master a variety of memory strategies and improve the memory effect
  3.3.1 Spelling memory
  Teachers teach students to spell out words according to the English alphabet and letter rules, and guide them to memorize vocabulary using the rules of spelling.
  3.3.2 Associative memory
  High school students have a lot of imagination, and teachers should guide them to use imagination and association, and incorporate individual words into a certain linguistic combination, such as radio can think of the radioactive, the other, the radiation, and radium and so on.
  3.3.3 Classified memory
  Spelling of English words, form and meaning there is certain regularity and systematic, teachers should guide students according to the rules of spelling, word formation rules, the same category, form the same and have similar sound, synonyms, antonyms are classified memory, improve the effect of memory.
  4. Teachers use a variety of vocabulary teaching strategies to cross-teach
  4.1 Teaching vocabulary from context
  Teacher should focus on teaching vocabulary in the context, so that students can learn and master the meaning and meaning of vocabulary in a certain language environment. Inhofe and Hudson (E.H utt
【摘要】高中阅读教学是高中英语教学中重要的一部分,并占据着重要位置,对于学生的英语阅读能力以及英语水平的提高有重要影响,因此合理、有效的高中英语阅读教学模式值得细细探究。主题语境在语言学习中运用较多,其应用作用较显著,在高中英语阅读教学中应用,围绕教学主题创设语境,让学生的充分理解主题意义,培养学生良好的阅读习惯以及阅读能力,提高学生的英语学习。  【关键词】高中英语阅读教学;主题语境;教学模式探
【摘要】 小学阶段的英语教学,更多的是培养学生对作为第二语言习得的英语的整体性了解。基于儿童认知规律的考虑,小学英语教材内容浅显,主要以简单的词汇、句子、语法等作为考察方式,意在让学生通过汉语与英语的对比,掌握语言的规律。因此,小学英语教学内容多以丰富多彩的图画形式呈现,构建符合学生年龄特征的语言环境,以生动活泼的画面激发学生的学习兴趣。但是在实际的英语教学活动中,时常会出现“重语言轻图画”的现象
【摘要】小学英语课堂是小学教育中较为重要的一环,传统教学模式太过直接枯燥,而创新的情景教学能够让学生在直观且有趣的环境中,对所学语言得到更快的理解和掌握。作为教师应结合课堂实例,创造教学情境,以此促进学生学习兴趣,提升对英语的自主学习能力,从而提高学生的学习积极性,然后达到优质教学的目的。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;情境创设  【作者简介】赵小红,甘肃省兰州市永登县城关回民小学。  引言  
【摘要】随着互联网现代高新技术以及少儿英语教育现代化的发展,一种新型流行的少儿英语“双师课堂”教学模式应运而生。本项目创业团队打出了一款“Happykid双师课堂”的少儿英语产品,并立足以黄石为中心的鄂东南地区进行了三四线市场推广的可行性研究,本文将从三四线城市对双师课堂产品需求方面、自身产品与线上线下产品的对比以及自身产品的独特优势等方面进行综合分析。  【关键词】双师课堂;三四线城市;产品优劣
【摘要】英语是小学课程的重要内容,不同的学习阶段所侧重的内容有所不同。在小学英语教学中,语篇教学受到人们越来越多的关注。随着学生词汇和阅读的增加,语篇教学也要不断改进并适应学生的学习需求。本文笔者将针对小学五年级英语语篇教学展开讨论,旨在提高学生的英语综合运用能力和提高课堂教学效果。  【关键词】小学英语;语篇教学;学习方法  【作者简介】曾荣新,深圳市宝安区荣根学校。  当前,小学英语两极分化现
【Abstract】This article will propose a tourists experience assessment framework of the east foothill of Helan mountain winery which involves building a research model to assess winery tourists experien