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今年以来,书刊批发和零售分销领域,各种消息不绝于耳。8月底,新华书店总店对外披露,总店争取在年底前完成股份制改造,改制后将向国内外投资者出售60%的股权。总店保留第一大股东的地位,同时积极寻求私人和海外投资,将拥有至少5家投资方。并计划从国内或海外资本市场中选择“最成熟的上市地点”。 This year, books and periodicals wholesale and retail distribution, all kinds of news endless. By the end of August, the headquarters of Xinhua Bookstore disclosed to the public that the head office will strive to complete the joint-stock reform before the end of the year and will sell 60% of the shares to domestic and foreign investors after the restructuring. Head office retains the position of the largest shareholder, while actively seeking private and overseas investment, will have at least 5 investors. And plans to choose “the most mature place of listing” from domestic or overseas capital markets.
别问我曾经的拥有会不会随风飘走,别问别问我一路的芬芳是不是天长地久,别问 Do not ask if I ever owned would not go in the wind, do not ask me the fragrance of my w
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摘 要:伴随社会发展,过去古板的数学教育模式下培养出来的学生已经不能满足社会需要。当今社会需要的是动手能力强,思维开放,辩证能力强,反应灵活的数学人才。国外对数学实验的重视度要高于国内,在这方面的具体研究也要详尽得多。因此,改革传统的数学教学模式就显得格外重要。笔者将在本文中详述传统数学的教学的不足以及做出传统与新型数学实验的对比。  关键词:初中;数学;理论;研究  中图分类号:G633.6 文
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《正说清朝十二帝》阎崇年着/中华书局/2004年1月版/定价:29.80元 历史是镜子,历史也是艺术。它可以借鉴,更可以欣赏。能把学问当评书讲的,能把历史当故事说的,阎崇年是第一
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