学先争优 爱岗敬业——在西部大开发中实现富民兴黔宏伟目标

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六月上旬,在改革开放、富民兴黔和西部大开发的伟大进程中,一大批脱颖而出的劳动模范和先进工作者在省会贵阳欢聚一堂,接受省委、省政府的表彰。这是继全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会后,我省工人阶级和各族劳动群众的一次群英盛会。这对于在新的历史条件下,大力弘扬先进模范人物的崇高精神,坚持、体现和落实江泽民总书记『三个代表』的重要思想,引导干部群众增强建设有中国特色社会主义的共同理想,确立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,凝聚全省各族人民的意志和力量,推进西部大开发,努力加快贵州的发展步伐,意义重大而深远。学先争优,爱岗敬业,在西部大开发中实现富民兴黔的宏伟目标,使贵州以新的姿态跨入二十一世纪,是全省各族人民的共同心声。 In early June, in the great process of reform and opening up, the enrichment and development of Xingqiang and the development of the western region, a large number of outstanding model workers and advanced workers gathered in the provincial capital Guiyang and accepted the recognition of the provincial party committee and government. This is the first mass exposition of the working class and working people of various ethnic groups in our province following the commendation ceremony of the national model workers and advanced workers. This will help establish and implement the important thinking of General Secretary Jiang Zemin about the “three represents,” and guide the cadres and masses in strengthening the common aspiration of building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the new historical conditions. It is of great significance and far-reaching significance to correct the world outlook, outlook on life and values, to pool the will and strength of the people of all ethnic groups in the province, to promote the great development of the western region and to accelerate the pace of development in Guizhou. To excel in classics, love and respect their jobs, and realize the grand goal of enriching the people in Guizhou Province during the great development of the western region will enable Guizhou to enter the 21st century with a new attitude. It is the common aspiration of the people of all ethnic groups in the province.
“大陆地震活动和地震预报国际学术讨论会”将于今年9月8日至14日在北京召开。这次会议是1979年4 月在巴黎国际地震讨论会的专家会议上提出的,后又得到了联合国教科文组织、
时间:1981年4月13日至14日 地点:英国伦敦 参加成员国:西德、意大利、英国 主席:英围N·Percival 会议决议摘要如下: 一、关于滑台ISO 2562—1973 1.取消“如果需要可按R10优
新《会计法》确立了单位负责人的会计责任主体地位,构建了由单位负责人、会计人员和其他人员构成的新的会计责任体系,笔者拟对这一新的会计责任体系谈一些认识。 一、单位负
英语短语动词(phrasal verbs)和介词动词(prepositional verbs)在现代英语中占有一个重要的位置。它们内容丰富多采,结构变化多种多样。如不能准确地学握他们的词义和用法,