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目的了解农村2型糖尿病患者健康管理服务现状,为患者健康管理服务提供依据。方法在连城县居民健康档案电子信息系统登记管理的5 485例35岁以上2型糖尿病患者中,电子信息系统自动随机抽取患者进行调查。结果调查糖尿病患者170例。血糖监测达标率为88.23%(150/170);接受面对面随访达标率为87.05%(148/170);接受较全面的健康体检达标率为49.41%(84/170),<50和50~64岁年龄组健康体检达标率分别为12.50%(3/24)和15.78%(9/57),与≥65岁年龄组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。吸烟率与饮酒率分别为11.76%(20/170)和9.41%(16/170)。结论连城县部分2型糖尿病患者糖化血红蛋白监测、健康体检、遵医嘱用药、主食控制和体育锻炼达标率均低。 Objective To understand the status quo of health management services in patients with type 2 diabetes in rural areas and to provide basis for patient health management services. Methods Among 5 485 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus and those over 35 years old registered and managed by the Health Records Electronic Information System of Liancheng County, the electronic information system automatically randomly selected patients for investigation. Results A total of 170 diabetic patients were investigated. The compliance rate of blood glucose monitoring was 88.23% (150/170). The compliance rate of receiving face-to-face follow-up was 87.05% (148/170). The acceptance rate of more complete physical examination was 49.41% (84/170), <50 and 50-64 The compliance rates of health examination in the age group were 12.50% (3/24) and 15.78% (9/57) respectively, which were significantly different from those in the age group of ≥65 years (P <0.01). The rates of smoking and drinking were 11.76% (20/170) and 9.41% (16/170), respectively. Conclusion Some patients with type 2 diabetes in Liancheng County have low rates of HbA1c monitoring, physical examination, prescribed medication, staple food control and physical exercise.
铝合金具有一系列优点,近几年来在生产中应用很广。我厂在生产中应用有ZL7(Aл2)、ZL10(Aл4)、 ZL13(Aл5)、 ZL11(Aл9)、ZL2(Aл7)、 ZL3(Aл10)及ZL8(SAE328)等,尤以ZL10
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一、计算原理以压缩活塞处于中间位置为计算基准 PuFu—PoFo=G_B—G_Bμ;式中Pu—工作活塞下部压力; Po—工作活塞上部压力; Fu—工作活塞下部面积; Fo—工作活塞上部面积;
硬质合金刀具钎焊用的105号焊料,具有焊缝强度高、湿润性好、内应力小和熔点低等优点。这种焊料的成分、熔炼、特性和经济效果,本刊在1965年第三期已经介绍过。本文主要是介绍用105 号焊
Suspension cultures initiated from callus derived from petiole explants of aspen hybrid (Populus tremuloides × P. tremula) produced somatic embryos. Callus was
按 照 全民 义务 植树 运 动的 有 关规 定,“凡 是条 件具 备的 地方 ,年 满 11岁 的 中华 人民 共和 国 公 民 ,除老 弱 病残 外,因 地制宜 ,每 人每 年 义务 植树 3棵 至
林业是国民经济的基础产业, 林业经济承担着生态建设和林产品供给的双重任务。改革开放以来, 尤其是近几年来,经过全县人民的艰苦努力,泸西县的林业经济有了长足发展,全县森
一、用螺旋带钢制造球轴承保持架 球轴承保持架的通常制造方法是:钢板下料,冲压成一定尺寸的环片,最后冲压成形。这种方法的缺点是:第一,材料利用率低,约为37%(日本),边料与料