The Mysterious Wutu Dance of Nianduhu Village

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The Wutu dance, an ancient ritual dance to exorcise evil spirits, is still practiced in Nianduhu, a village in Tongren County of Qinghai Province. An extraordinary example of a once-vigorous culture, this dance illustrates the beliefs of the Wutu people and reflects their strong attachment to their own unique ways. Located in the Autonomous Prefecture of Huangnan, Qinghai Province, Nianduhu is a Tu minority village near the Longwu River at Tongren County. Currently there are over 230 households and 1,300 people in the village. It lies in an ancient city, where high city walls and cliffs surround winding narrow lanes and tightly packed houses. “Wutu” is another name for tiger in ancient Chinese. The Wutu dance is performed every winter by Tu people as a grand sacrificial ritual, aimed to rid the village of demons and bring good fortune. According to local legend, the The Wutu dance, an ancient ritual dance to exorcise evil spirits, is still practiced in Nianduhu, a village in Tongren County of Qinghai Province. An extraordinary example of a once-vigorous culture, this dance illustrates the beliefs of the Wutu people and stressed their strong attachment to their own unique ways. Located in the Autonomous Prefecture of Huangnan, Qinghai Province, Nianduhu is a Tu minority village near the Longwu River at Tongren County. Currently there are over 230 households and 1,300 people in the village. It lies in an ancient city, where high city walls and cliffs surround winding narrow lanes and tightly packed houses. “Wutu ” is another name for tiger in ancient Chinese. The Wutu dance is performed every winter by Tu people as a grand sacrificial ritual, aimed to rid the village of demons and bring good fortune. According to local legend, the
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《一个人的朝圣》中,男主人公横跨整个苏格兰,耗时87天,  徒步627英里去看望多年前的好友,只凭一个信念:只要他走,老友就会活下去。  陈坤在《行走》系列中提到:  观看世界,看到了自己的样子,聆听世界,听见了自己的声音。  身处都市为生活打拼的我们自然是没有苏格兰老头的执著与浪漫,  也没有陈坤老师如此的文艺范和大把空闲时间。  但,  相信我们每个人都有一颗拥抱大自然的心以及与生俱来的能力。