DAI Rui-hong (戴瑞鸿)——An Outstanding Cardiologist of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medic

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Prof. DAI Rui-hong was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province in 1930. He attended the medical school of St. John University, Shanghai, in 1949, and obtained the medical degree at Shanghai’s Second Medical College in 1955. Since then he has been devoted to, in Huashan Hospital, clinical, teaching as well as research duties in the field of cardiovascular disease, particularly in coronary heart disease (CHD) and myocardial infarction. Prof. DAI has devoted to the integrative traditional Chinese and Western medicinal treatment on CHD and the clinical pharmacology of cardiovascular disease for over 50 years. Prof. DAI assumed the director of Dept. of cardiology of Huashan Hospital in 1960, and has been the chief of Dept. of internal medicine; director of the teaching and research Dept. of internal medicine; tutor of doctoral students; member of the council of the professional committee of cardiovascular diseases, Shanghai Branch of Chinese Medical Association; member of the Expert Committee of Shanghai Medical University, director of the Lab of Biochemistry and Clinic of the National Engineering Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, and vice-president of Huashan Hospital. In addition, he was a member of editorial board of Foreign Medical Sciences (Section of Cardiovascular Disease) and Progress in Cardiovascular Disease. Prof. DAI was chosen as the Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (F.A.C.C.) in 1992 and has been listed in “Who’s Who” by the American Biographical Institute and the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge University. He is now an emeritus professor of Huashan Hospital of Fudan University and honorary chairman of the speciality Committee of Cardiovascular Disease of the Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine (CAIM). Prof. DAI Rui-hong was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province in 1930. He attended the medical school of St. John University, Shanghai, in 1949, and obtained the medical degree at Shanghai’s Second Medical College in 1955. Since then he has been devoted to, in Huashan Hospital, clinical, teaching as well as research tasks in the field of cardiovascular disease, particularly in coronary heart disease (CHD) and myocardial infarction. Prof. DAI has devoted to the integrative traditional Chinese and Western medicinal treatment on CHD and the clinical pharmacology of cardiovascular disease for over 50 years. Prof. DAI assumed the director of Dept. of cardiology of Huashan Hospital in 1960, and has been the chief of Dept. of internal medicine; director of the teaching and research Dept. of internal medicine; tutor of doctoral students; member of the council of the professional committee of cardiovascular diseases, Shanghai Branch of Chinese Medical Association; member of the Expert Committee of Shanghai Medical University, director of the Lab of Biochemistry and Clinic of the National Engineering Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, and vice-president of Huashan Hospital. In addition, he was a member of editorial board of Foreign Medical Sciences (Section of Cardiovascular Disease. And Progress in Cardiovascular Disease. Prof. DAI was chosen as the Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC) in 1992 and has been listed in “Who’s Who” by the American Biographical Institute and the International Biographical Center of Cambridge University. He is now an emeritus professor of Huashan Hospital of Fudan University and honorary chairman of the specialty Committee of Cardiovascular Disease of the Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine (CAIM).
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Objective: To observe the effect of Kangxin Capsule (康欣胶囊, KXC) on the expression of nerve growth factor (NGF) as well as the morphology and amount of nerve
研发背景    随着美、英等国未来士兵系统的研制热潮,意大利的未来士兵系统——“未来士兵”(SOLDATOFUTURO)于1999年开始提出概念,并于2001年被政府正式批准立项。该系统所采用的步枪最初被命名为AR-2001,交由伯莱塔公司研制。当时针对AR-2001提出的要求是:以意大利军队现役的AR-70/90系列步枪(同样为伯莱塔公司研制生产)为基础,大量采用工程塑料以减轻质量,武器质量将比
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病例 1,患者 ,女性 ,36岁。因大便变细 2月 ,右上腹不适半月入院。患者于 2月前无明显诱因出现大便变细 ,无便血 ,未予在意。半月来感右上腹不适 ,外院行B超检查示肝多发性占
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