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民营企业是推动我国国民经济发展、构造市场经济主体、促进社会稳定的基础力量。无论是从企业自身出发,还是基于市场经济的竞争压力,都需要企业往更大更强的方向发展。借鉴世界上知名企业的经验,通过上市融资,进行资本运作,实现规模的裂变是迅速跨入大型企业行列的强大动力。在国际金融资本的一体化的背景下,国际资本流向中国、中国的企业走向海外融资已是大势所趋。目前,全球证券市场又已开始加紧到中国物色上市资源,而作为中国经济重要组成部分的民营经济如何抓住机遇,利用国际资本的“血液”谋求自身更好的发展,已成为不容回避的一个话题。此外,以优势企业和区域品牌为依托,推动区域经济由产品经营向资本经营转变,拓展企业和区域特色经济的发展空间,也逐步成为了我国产权市场与国际间经济组织战略合作的一项重要任务。从宏现环境看,对外国金融机构实行国民待遇和市场准入,使企业具有灵活多样的融资方式选择;另一方面,也为国外风险投资基金的进入铺平了道路。国内中小企业通过在国外二板市场的上市,实现与国外风险投资基金的结合,不仅可解决中小企业的资金融通难题,同时也能对国内融资环境和相关法律制度的健全起到很好的促进作用,成为中小企业国内融资的有益补充。基于以上背景,8月31日,由黄河流域产权交易共同市场有限公司与美国贝尔斯登公司联合主办,交通银行青岛市支行支持举办了“企业国际融资青岛研讨会”。此次会议为推动产权市场和国际投行、私募基金及其他经济组织的长期业务合作,奠定了良好的基础。同时,更为沿黄河流域的优势企业搭建了更广阔的国际融资平台。 Private-owned enterprises are the basic force that promotes the development of our national economy, constructs the main body of market economy and promotes social stability. Whether starting from the enterprise itself or based on the competitive pressures of the market economy, enterprises need to develop toward greater and greater strength. Drawing on the experience of well-known companies in the world, it is a powerful impetus to rapidly enter the ranks of large-scale enterprises through listing and financing, capital operation and fission of scale. In the context of the integration of international financial capital, international capital flows to China, and Chinese enterprises have been moving overseas for financing. At present, the global securities market has started to step up its efforts to find resources for listing in China. However, the private economy, an important part of the Chinese economy, has seized the opportunity and made use of the “blood” of international capital to seek better development of itself. A topic. In addition, relying on the dominant enterprises and regional brands, promoting the transformation of regional economy from product management to capital management and expanding the development space for enterprises and regional special economic sectors has gradually become an important aspect of the strategic cooperation between China’s property rights market and international economic organizations task. From the macro environment, the implementation of national treatment of foreign financial institutions and market access, so that enterprises have a flexible choice of financing options; the other hand, it also paved the way for foreign venture capital funds to enter. Through the listing of the second board in the domestic market, the combination of domestic and foreign venture capital funds can not only solve the financing difficulties of SMEs, but also promote the improvement of the domestic financing environment and related legal systems The role of SMEs to become a useful complement to domestic financing. Based on the above background, on August 31, the Yellow River Basin Common Market Exchange Co., Ltd. and Bear Stearns Co., Ltd. jointly sponsored by the Bank of Communications branch in Qingdao City, held a “corporate finance Qingdao seminar ”. The meeting laid a good foundation for promoting the long-term business cooperation between the property rights market and international investment banks, private equity funds and other economic organizations. In the meantime, a broader platform for international financing has also been set up for more advantageous enterprises along the Yellow River.
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一、研究目的    许多同学喜欢吃零食。零食吃多了会导致肥胖,或引起食欲不振,甚至会影响我们的学习和生活,还浪费钱。因此,我决定对小学生吃零食的问题展开调查研究。    二、调查行动    1.调查个人一天所需的食物。  摄入的能量过剩或不足都会影响身体健康。  我班的洪灵同学一天中食物的种类及数量记录:  早餐:面条 (200克)  中餐:米饭(2碗)、猪肉(100克)、蔬菜(400克)  晚餐