独行生意牙签肉 加工赚钱最丰厚——中国名小吃牙签肉发明创始人车明印答读者问

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什么是牙签肉?各种动物的肉,用绞肉机绞成不同形状(有肉块肉沫之分),经过处理,兑上配料、调料,用牙签串起来,长5公分、直径1公分,经过热加工(水煮、油炸)后的新型肉制品。(注意:并非现市场上大肉块切成小肉块,穿在牙签或竹签上的。前几年没有宣传原因见本刊4期18页)有哪些特点?具有配方、工艺、样式、风味四独特;品种全、市场广、投资小、利润大、易制售、赚钱快;香酥辣(麻、咸、甜)脆,外酥里嫩;低脂肪,高蛋白;食用方便,保质期长等特点。牙签肉在市场上是空白独行生意,只因没有竞 What is a toothpick meat? Meat of various animals, with a meat grinder twisted into different shapes (meat Rou Mo points), after processing, against the ingredients, spices, with a toothpick string together, 5 cm long, 1 cm in diameter , After heat processing (boiled, fried) after the new meat products. (Note: It is not the large pieces of meat on the market today, cut into small pieces, worn on toothpicks or bamboo sticks. A few years ago there is no reason to publicity, see Journal 4, 18) What are the characteristics? With formula, technology, style, flavor Four unique; variety of all, the market is wide, small investment, large profits, easy to make and sell, make money fast; crispy spicy (linen, salty, sweet) crisp, crisp outside; low fat, high protein; easy to eat, long shelf life Features. Toothpick meat in the market is blank lone business, simply because there is no competition
专名是专有名词的简称,包括人名、地名、国家名、著作名等。一些专名作为新闻的要素经常出现在标题中,我们若能充分利用好专名拟题,既能很好地概括新闻内容,又能收到简洁生动、精巧别致的效果。利用专名拟题主要有以下几种情况:  移脱  移脱是指某个专名(或专名的部分语素)在新闻标题中先后出现两次,两次使用时词语的词性、意义或用法方面有所不同。这种用法既能增加标题的信息,又增添了一种情趣,还可以让受众在同形词
通过网络药理学和体外细胞实验方法,对葛根治疗肝细胞肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)的主要活性成分及其潜在作用机制进行探讨.运用中药系统药理学数据库与分析平台(TCM
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采用网络药理学方法筛选大黄、桃仁治疗子宫腺肌病的作用靶点,探讨其干预子宫腺肌病的作用机制.利用中药系统药理学数据平台,以口服利用度(oral bioavilability,OB) ≥30%,类
An experimental analysis on the subsequent yield-surfaces evolution using multiple specimens is presented for a 45 steel after a prescribed pre-strain loading i