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玉米黑粉病在任丘市晚春播玉米上发生较严重,而夏玉米上发生很轻,是近年来发生最严重的一种病害,这主要和气候因素及品种特性有关。一、症状特征:玉米黑粉病又名瘤黑粉病,是常见的玉米病害之一,由玉米黑粉菌侵害所致。该病菌可侵染玉米幼苗、茎节、腋芽、雌穗、雄穗、叶片和根的幼嫩分生组织,形成形状、大小不同的瘤状物。病瘤初为白色,内部亦为白色,肉质多汁,迅速膨大后逐渐变黑,外膜破裂后散出大量黑粉。玉米黑粉病虽属局部侵染性病害,但在 Corn powdery mildew occurred more severely on late spring sowing in Renqiu City, while it occurred very lightly on summer corn, which is the most serious one occurring in recent years. It is mainly related to climatic factors and variety characteristics. First, the symptoms and signs: corn powdery mildew Also known as powdery mildew, is one of the common maize diseases, caused by the infection of corn black powder. The bacteria can infect corn seedlings, stem nodes, axillary buds, ear, tassel, leaves and roots of the young meristem, the formation of the shape and size of the tumor. The beginning of the tumor is white, the interior is also white, juicy succulent, rapidly swollen and gradually black, rupture of the outer membrane after the release of large amounts of black powder. Although corn powdery mildew is a locally invasive disease, but in
应重庆市政府的邀请,中国民营科技促进会年会定于 2000年 11月中旬在重庆市召开,会议主题为“科技创新、高新技术产业化、西部大开发”。 出席本届年会的将有国务院有关部委领
In memory of the 11th anniversary of the development and opening up of Pudong New Area. this issue publishes the article written by Vice Mayor Zhou Yupeng on “
2005年3月23日,国家质量监督检验检疫总局和中国标准化管理委员会发布了GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》,代替GB/T 7714-1987。该标准规定了各个学科、各种类型出版
<正> 齐涛教授主编的《中国政治通史》最近由泰山出版社推出,全书十二卷,从远古政治到新中国政治,对数千年政治史进行了全景扫
当人们疯狂搜集“便士”哈达威的卡片时,哈达威竞然还总弄不明白他为什么会有那么大的魅力。也许是因为便士从 When people frenzied to collect the cards of “Penny” H
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Objective:To determine lethal median dose(LD_(50)) and histopalhological toxicity of water extract of Hololhuria atra(H,atra) in mice.Methods:The behavioral cha