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张浩的花鸟画有两个主要亮点,即用“构成”观念取代“构图”观念,和以现代色彩观超越穿越传统用色。传统的花鸟构图,着重平面摆弄,虚实处理,按折枝法或再现艺术的习惯逻辑布局。如果将画作为一个生命体,其功能好比血管、肌腱,而构成不同,它深入到对气和力的思考,其功能好比经络、气脉,作画时牵涉到战略、整体、力度和气格的综合把握。构成与构图的不同之处是,更顾及绘画的本体特性,使画 Zhang Hao’s flower and bird paintings have two main bright spots, namely, replacing the concept of “composition” with the concept of “composition ” and transcending the traditional color with modern color concept. The traditional composition of flowers and birds, with emphasis on plane fiddling, the actual situation, according to the method of folding branches or reproduce the logic of art. If painting as a living body has functions that are different from those of blood vessels and tendons, it goes deep into the thinking of Qi and force. Its function is like a comprehensive grasp of strategy, wholeness, strength and style when it comes to meridian, qi pulse and painting . The difference between composition and composition is that it pays more attention to the ontological characteristics of painting
目的 探讨分析对肱骨外科颈骨折患者采用经三角肌入路锁定钢板内固定治疗的临床应用效果以及安全性.方法 本次研究对象均选自我院于2017年5月至2019年5月期间收治的肱骨外科
  Objective:To explore depressive symptoms and related factors in patients of postoperative cryptorchidism.Methods:A total of 50 patients,operatived five year
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