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高职教育作为与社会经济发展联系最为紧密的一种教育类型,对于推动区域经济发展必须有敏锐反应和主动作为。湖南汽车工程职业学院作为一所主要以培养汽车人才的高职学校,在职业教育与汽车行业的发展道路上都颇具代表性。本课题以湖南汽车工程职业学院为例,就高职汽车类专业职业道德教育现状进行了调研,试图探索“汽车医生”医德培养新途径和新方法,为高职教育提供理论和实践层面的成果。 As a type of education most closely linked with social and economic development, higher vocational education must have a keen reaction and initiative in promoting regional economic development. Hunan Automobile Engineering Vocational College as a major to train automotive vocational colleges, vocational education and the development of the automotive industry are quite representative of the road. This project takes Hunan Automobile Engineering Vocational College as an example to investigate the status quo of professional ethics education in higher vocational automobile and try to explore new ways and methods to cultivate medical ethics and provide theoretical and practical aspects for higher vocational education The result.
AIM:To investigate maspin expression in tumorigenesis andprogression of gastric cancer and to explore its relevantmolecular mechanisms.METHODS:Formalin-fixed a
由南开大学主办、香港中文大学和天津师范大学协办的第七届形式语言学国际研讨会(The 7thInternational Conference on Formal Linguistics)将于2016年12月2日至4日在天津南
病人女,61岁.左上腹胀痛不适2周,腹部CT提示脾脏占位性病变.于2002年2月在全麻下行剖腹探查.术中发现脾脏中上极实质内有一 9 cm×9 cm×9 cm肿块,行脾脏切除术.
By applying the empirical Green’s function method, we first proved that the source spectra in the middle eastern area of North Tianshan follow the ω -2 Brune
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