Topology and Position Aware Overlay Network Construction Protocol for Augmentation Information of Sa

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newlinge
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It is an effective method to broadcast the augmentation information of satellite navigation system using GEO technology.However,it becomes difficult to receive GEO signal in some special situation,for example in cities or canyons,in which the signal will be sheltered by big buildings or mountains.In order to solve this problem,an Intet-based broadcast network has been proposed to utilize the infrastructure of the Intet to broadcast the augmentation information of satellite navigation system,which is based on application-layer multicast protocols.In this paper,a topology and position aware overlay network construction protocol is proposed to buikl the network for augmentation information of satellite navigation system.Simulation results show that the new algorithm is able to achieve better performance in terms of delay,depth and degree utilization.
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在一个阳光明媚的下午,一只小兔子想要出去走一走,于是她带着最爱的胡萝卜出了门。走了很久,她觉得累了,便找了一棵大树坐下休息,还把胡萝卜拿出来,高兴地吃着。远处一头熊看到小兔子这么高兴,便走过来问兔子:“你为什么这么欢喜?”兔子说:“因为我有最爱的胡萝卜呀!”  熊说:“真好,我真希望也能像你这样欢喜呀。”  兔子想了想说:“那给你尝尝我的胡萝卜吧,也许你也会这样欢喜。”熊听了之后,迫不及待地把胡萝