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  Octopus: 一个月的紧张集训后,大家的能力得到了很大提升。从今天起,我将带你们走出章鱼堡,一起去探索神秘的海洋世界。
  Seal: 终于可以到外面大展身手了。
  Octopus: 我們要完成的第一个任务是——寻找变色鱼。
  Dolphin: 会变色的鱼?它会变哪些颜色呢?
  Octopus: 看!这些是变色鱼的照片。想知道颜色,可以问:“What colour ...? ”“What colour”的意思是“什么颜色”,如果后面接单数名词,那就是“What colour is ...? ”回答用:“It is ...”。如果后面接复数名词,那就是“What colour are ...? ”回答用:“They are ...”。我先来问吧!
  What colour is this fish? 这条鱼是什么颜色?
  It is red. 它是红色的。
  What colour is that fish? 那条鱼是什么颜色?
  It is yellow. 它是黄色的。
  What colour are these fish? 这些鱼是什么颜色?
  They are green, blue and white. 它们是绿色的、蓝色的和白色的。
  What colour are those fish? 那些鱼是什么颜色?
  They are brown, black and orange. 它们是棕色的、黑色的和橙色的。
  Octopus: 即使变色鱼可以根据环境不停地变换颜色,火眼金睛的我们也能轻易地将他们一一找出来。
  Dolphin: 可是,我怎么什么也没看见?变色鱼都躲到哪里去了?
  Octopus: 想知道变色鱼在哪里要请“Where”来帮忙,如果后面接单数名词,那就是“Where is ...?”回答用:“It is ...”。如果后面接复数名词,那就是“Where are ...? ”回答用:“They are ...”。用Where来提问的句子,回答必须用方位介词。如:in(在……的里面),on(在……的上面),under(在……的下面),behind(在……的后面),beside(在……的旁边)。
  Where is the fish? 鱼在哪里?
  It is behind the coral. 它在珊瑚的后面。
  There is a fish beside the seal. 在海豹旁边有一条鱼。
  There is a fish under the whale. 在鲸鱼下边有一条鱼。
  Octopus: 变色鱼越来越多!现在我们来举行比赛,看看谁捉的鱼最多!
  Whale: 不用比,肯定是我赢,因为我的块头最大。
  Turtle: 那也不见得,不比谁也不知道最后的结果如何。
  Octopus: 时间到!捉完鱼我们想统计数量要请“How many”来帮忙,“How many”后面一般接复数名词。“How many ... do you have?”是问多少,回答用:“I have ...”,或者直接说数量。我们来试试吧!
  Dolphin, how many fish do you have? 海豚,你有几条鱼?
  I have ten fish. 我有十条鱼。
  Turtle, how many fish do you have? 海龟,你有几条鱼?
  I have five. 我有五条。
  Seal, how many fish do you have? 海豹,你有几条鱼?
  Twelve. 十二条。
  Whale, how many fish do you have? 鲸鱼,你有几条鱼?
  Only one. 只有一条。
  Octopus: 根据统计的数量,海豹捉到的鱼最多,鲸鱼最少。所以在实战中,不见得身强马壮就有优势。每个人都有各自的长处,我们团结互助,一定所向披靡。
My grandma is very kind.  She lives in the countryside.  She is a farmer and she has a farm.  My grandma loves me very much.  She always cooks nice food for me.  She cares about my study and health.  
My sister is four years old now.  She has short hair and big eyes.  She looks a bit like a boy.  She walks like a little penguin.  She likes dancing very much.  I love my little cute sister.
The sun is a star,  A great big star  A red-hot ball  That cannot fall.
There are many fruit.  But I like grapes.  They are purple.  They are sweet, too.  Do you like grapes?
狗喜爱条纹,猫喜爱斑点;猫喜欢干净,狗却很邋遢。他们的兴趣不同,口味不同,生活习惯不同……有这么多的不同,猫和狗居然还能成为好朋友。Let’s read the story.  This is Dog.  He likes stripes(条纹).  This is Cat.  She likes spots(斑點).  Cat likes red. She paints(粉刷)her house
This summer, I visited Tokyo with my parents. It’s a great trip!  I spent a day in Tokyo Disney Sea Park. 这里有大大的地球模型,神秘的火山、军舰、灯塔。  The hamburgers here are so yummy! 藍天白云下,我拍了美美的照片,开心极了!  Look at the c
I eat turkey,  I eat turkey,  Yes, I do.  Yes, I do.  Turkey in my tummy,  Yummy, yummy, yummy!  Good for me,  Good for you!  提示:同學们可以用《两只老虎》的曲调唱出这首歌谣。
Hippos are very big.  Hippos spend a lot of time in water.  They move easily in water.  They can even walk along the bottom of a river.  Hippos do not let their skin get too dry.  Sometimes hippos rol
pear梨  peach 桃子  orange 橘子  grape 葡萄  honeydew 哈密瓜  pineapple 菠萝  plum 李子  lemon 柠檬  durian 榴蓮  beef 牛肉  chicken 鸡肉  fish 鱼肉  pork 猪肉  milk牛奶  yogurt 酸奶  bread面包  honey 蜂蜜  jam果酱