Influence of Surface Roughness of Galvanized Steel Sheet on Self-lubricated Coating

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:comeandsit
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Three different thicknesses of self-lubricated coatings were prepared on galvanized steel sheets with different surface roughness(Ra).Performances of the coatings were evaluated by various laboratory tests.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM),atomic force microscope(AFM),neutral salt spraying test(NSST),reciprocating friction and wear test were taken in order to characterize the coatings.Results show that the self-lubricated coating has good corrosion resistance and lubricating property.In 0.857-1.629μm of Ravalue,the relationship between friction coefficients of the self-lubricated steel sheets and the surface roughness of the galvanized steel sheets likes a parabolic curve,and has a peak value of friction coefficient in certain range of Ra.Affected by the hereditary surface topography of the galvanized steel sheet,dents on the surface of self-lubricated steel become deeper and larger with the increase of the surface roughness of the galvanized steel sheets.The influence of the surface roughness of the galvanized steel sheet on the corrosion resistance of the self-lubricated coating steel is similar to that on friction coefficient of self-lubricated coatings,like a parabolic curve. Three different thicknesses of self-lubricated coatings were prepared on galvanized steel sheets with different surface roughness (Ra). Performances of the coatings were evaluated by various laboratory tests. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), neutral salt spraying test (NSST), reciprocating friction and wear test were taken in order to characterize the coating. Results show that the self-lubricated coating has good corrosion resistance and lubricating property. 0.857-1.629 μm of Ravalue, the relationship between friction coefficients of the self-lubricated steel sheets and the surface roughness of the galvanized steel sheets likes a parabolic curve, and has a peak value of friction coefficient in certain range of Ra. Effected by the hereditary surface topography of the galvanized steel sheet, dents on the surface of self-lubricated steel became deeper and larger with the increase of the surface roughness of the galvanized steel sheets.The influence of the surface roughness of the galvanized steel sheet on the corrosion resistance of the self-lubricated coating steel is similar to that on friction coefficient of self-lubricated coatings, like a parabolic curve.
3家意大利建筑商合作拆除米兰国际展览中心(Fiera Milano)。《国际拆除与再利用》报道。米兰国际展览中心建筑群始建于1923年。1985年以来,纷繁各异的建筑陆续在这片土地上建
每一棵草都有自己的年华。从她们枯色连天的荒芜中吐出鹅黄的芽脉,我就注意上了她们。朴实而简单的成长之路,一路跌跌撞撞,走进了春天的殿堂。无论曾经多少寒风雨雪,无论遭受过多少践踏和蹂躏,青草的根深埋在土地深处,在一条小路边,或是田埂上,都能找到属于自己的一片天地。幼小的枝片,伸展着柔弱的腰肢,坚强无比地挺立在阳光的喜悦里。执着地面对天空,面对一望无际的绿。  我的心也飞出了胸膛,在草丛间自由地穿梭。 