Use of oleaginous plants in phytotreatment of grey water and yellow water from source separation of

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonathan
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Efficient and economic reuse of waste is one of the pillars of modem environmental engineering.In the field of domestic sewage management,source separation of yellow (urine),brown (faecal matter) and grey waters aims to recover the organic substances concentrated in brown water,the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) in the urine and to ensure an easier treatment and recycling of grey waters.With the objective of emphasizing the potential of recovery of resources from sewage management,a lab-scale research study was carried out at the University of Padova in order to evaluate the performances of oleaginous plants (suitable for biodiesel production) in the phytotreatment of source separated yellow and grey waters.The plant species used were Brassica napus (rapeseed),Glycine max (soybean) and Helianthus annuus (sunflower).Phytotreatment tests were carried out using 20 L pots.Different testing runs were performed at an increasing nitrogen concentration in the feedstock.The results proved that oleaginous species can conveniently be used for the phytotreatment of grey and yellow waters from source separation of domestic sewage,displaying high removal efficiencies of nutrients and organic substances (nitrogen > 80%;phosphorous >90%;COD nearly 90%).No inhibition was registered in the growth of plants irrigated with different mixtures of yellow and grey waters,where the characteristics of the two streams were reciprocally and beneficially integrated.
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