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李明烈先生系华裔加拿大人,早年毕业于美国底特律工学院,在美国福特汽车公司加拿大分公司任铸造工程师近三十年,现已退休。他对汽车、拖拉机行业大量生产的铸铁车间设计比较熟悉,擅长铸造生产流程和铸造机械化运输设备的设计,对美、加等国的汽车铸造生产比较了解。去年十月应邀来我国讲学,传授经验,并回国探亲。逗留期间,参观了我国一些大型汽车、拖拉机工厂,并多次与我国铸造工程技术人员进行座谈,介绍了国外(主要是美国)七十年代的铸造技术,并针对我国铸造车间技术改造中的问题,提出了很多具体意见,受到了普遍赞扬。下面刊登的这份材料是参加技术交流的同志整理的,是历次技术交流的主要内容,供读者参考。 Mr. Li Minglie Chinese-Canadian origin, graduated early Detroit Institute of Technology in the United States, Ford Motor Company in Canada as casting engineer for nearly thirty years, is now retired. He is familiar with the mass production of cast iron workshops in the automotive and tractor industries. He is good at casting production processes and casting the design of mechanized transportation equipment, and knows more about the automobile casting production in the United States and Canada. In October last year, he was invited to give lectures in our country, impart his experience and return to visit relatives. During his stay, he visited some large-scale automobile and tractor factories in our country and held discussions with casting technicians in our country on many occasions. He introduced the foundry techniques of foreign countries (mainly the United States) in the 1970s and the problems in the technological transformation of foundry workshops in China , Put forward a lot of specific comments, has been generally praised. The material published below is compiled by comrades who participated in the technical exchange and is the main content of the previous technological exchanges for readers’ reference.
亚洲杯结束了,中国队以优异的成绩取得了第二名,这对中国来说是激动人心的,我们太久没有杀入决赛了,这一路我们经过了殊死搏斗,终历了路途的坎坷。 Asian Cup is over, the
标准通用置标语言SGML的三个组成部分国家语言文字工作委员会冯志伟ThreeCompenentsofStandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(SGML)Abstract:Thispaperdescribesthreecomp... Standard Universal Markup Language Three Components of SGML National Language Working Committee F