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C_E:前段时间,两岸服务贸易协议引发了台湾年轻人大规模抗议,作为台湾商业总会理事长,你如何看待?赖正镒:我一直觉得大陆对台湾是让利的,服贸协议谈判对台湾总体上利大于弊。弊的部分政府可以拿出预算扶持本地企业升级。台湾人不用担心因为签署服贸协议,大陆企业来台湾竞争。比如理发店,你要洗头,洗头要聊天,洗头兼洗脑啊,大陆人来这里开理发店,一定用台湾的工人。台湾美容服装协会的理事长就告诉我,大陆企业不是我们的对手。 C_E: Some time ago, the agreement on cross-Strait trade in services triggered a massive protest by young people in Taiwan. As the chairman of the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, what do you think about it? Lai Ching-kuo: I always think that the mainland is none other for Taiwan. Outweigh the disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages of the government can come up with a budget to support local enterprises to upgrade. Taiwanese do not have to worry about mainland companies coming to Taiwan to compete because of signing a service trade agreement. Such as barbershop, you want to wash your hair, shampoo to chat, shampoo and brainwash ah, the mainland people here to open barber shop, we must use workers in Taiwan. Taiwan Beauty Garment Association chairman told me that mainland enterprises is not our opponent.
Abstract:While specific training programs are used by trainers to induce particular muscle adaptations in athletes,muscle training is also an important component of progressive rehabilitation to limit
In this paper,the author would like to cover three key aspects in respect of Australian leisure:firstly,the historical antecedents of leisure behavior within Au