Numerical analysis of the optimized performance of the electron cyclotron wave system in a HL-2M tok

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kangxi2xjp30
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The capabilities of current drive, neoclassical tearing mode(NTM) stabilization, and sawtooth control are analyzed for the electron–cyclotron wave(ECW) system in a HL-2M tokamak. Better performance of the upper launcher is demonstrated in comparison with that of a dropped upper launcher, in terms of J_(EC)/J_(bs) for NTM stabilization and I_(ECCD)/(?ρtor)~2 for sawtooth control. 1-MW ECW power is enough for the 3/2 NTM stabilization, and 1.8-MW ECW power is required to suppress 2/1 NTM in a single null divertor equilibrium with 1.2-MA toroidal current with the upper launcher. Optimization simulation of electron–cyclotron current drive(ECCD) is carried out for three mirrors in an equatorial port, indicating that the middle mirror has a good performance compared with the top and bottom mirrors. The results for balanced co- and counter-ECCD in an equatorial port are also presented. The capabilities of current drive, neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) stabilization, and sawtooth control are analyzed for the electron-cyclotron wave (ECW) system in a HL-2M tokamak. Better performance of the upper launcher is demonstrated in comparison with that of a (2) for the NTM stabilization and I_ (ECCD) / (ρtorr) ~ 2 for sawtooth control. 1-MW ECW power is enough for the 3/2 NTM stabilization, and 1.8-MW ECW power is required to suppress 2/1 NTM in a single null divertor equilibrium with 1.2-MA toroidal current with the upper launcher. Optimization simulation of electron-cyclotron current drive (ECCD) is carried out for three mirrors in an equatorial port, indicating that the middle mirror has a good performance compared with the top and bottom mirrors. The results for balanced co- and counter-ECCD in an equatorial port are also presented.
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