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2006年12月20日,当指针指向十点时,一个让世人震惊的消息迅速在全国传开——相声艺术大师马季先生因心脏病突发,溘然长逝。马季先生走得这么突然,对于平日里喜爱他相声的观(听)众来说,这无疑是一道寒气袭人的冲击波。在即将过去的2006年岁尾,人们多了一份伤感,命运无常,现实残酷! On December 20, 2006, when the hand was pointing at ten o’clock, a news that shocked the world quickly spread across the country - Mr. Martyr, the comic art master, died of a heart attack suddenly passed away. Mr. Maji went so suddenly that for the viewers who listened to him on weekdays, this was undoubtedly a cold blast. Towards the end of 2006, people are saddened by a lot of fate and cruel reality!
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粟裕将军之子  粟前明,中将,二炮副司令员,邓小平的妹夫  粟戎生,中将,北京军区副司令员      粟戎生说:从幼年开始一直到他当学员、排长、连长、团长、师长,在不同时期父亲都对他有不同的要求。军校毕业后,粟戎生被分配到抗美援越的云南一线,从战士到排长,一干就是四五年,跑了上千次战斗警报,不断地移防,基本上都住帐篷。艰苦生活把粟戎生磨炼成一名真正的军人。   粟戎生不仅枪打得好,陆军地面武器他差
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