
来源 :经理人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candysan
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“我已经开始对前途感到迷茫,长此以往将对个人发展不利。”曾先生所在公司在经济低迷和其它一些因素的影响下,效率、效益均下降,他的日常工作也变得更杂乱与繁琐,他心事重重地说“我已经渐渐失去了工作的有力着眼点,很难在现有的状态下有效地发挥。”工作越来越难驾驭了,个人水平提升老是赶不上要求,感觉身体也越来越吃不消了,与家人的相处、沟通变少了……压力,压力,也许你明显感受到了压力!其实,更应该说这是危机!全球经济一体化,加入 WTO,中国经理人正面临着前所未有的严峻挑战。如何应对这种挑战和危机呢?《经理人》告诉你:唯一秘诀就是“充电”,让自己 “I have already started to feel confused about the future and will in the long run be detrimental to my personal development.” Under the influence of the economic downturn and other factors, the efficiency and effectiveness of the company where Mr. Tsang is declining and his daily work become more cluttered and tedious, He said seriously that “I have gradually lost the powerful point of work, it is difficult to effectively play in the existing state.” Work more and more difficult to control, and enhance the level of individuals always catch up with the request, feel the body more In order to get along with the family, the communication becomes less ... Stress and pressure may obviously feel the pressure! Actually, it should be said that this is a crisis! Global economic integration, accession to the WTO, Chinese managers are facing Unprecedented harsh challenges. How to deal with this challenge and crisis? “Managers” tell you: the only secret is “charge” to allow yourself
兵法云,知己知彼,百战不殆。用人与求职是一个事物的两个方面。了解一点企业的用人之道,定将有助于你日后的求职之路。 Bingfa cloud, confidante, know yourself. Employme
20 0 4年 1月20 0 3年 1 1月 2 0~ 2 1日 ,世界卫生组织 (WHO)精神卫生与物质滥用司在日内瓦召开了题为“促进中低收入国家的精神卫生研究 :科技期刊的任务”的会议 ,2 5个精
1. Chicago is the third largest city in United States.  芝加哥是美国第三大城市。  2. Chicago has over 40 museums, more than 150 theaters and over 6,000 restaurants.  芝加哥有40多家博物馆,150多家剧院和6000多家餐馆。  3. Chicago boas
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《青年参考》2004年12月1 日第5版《国民党纪略》开篇便云: “1894年11月24日,孙中山在美 国檀香山成立’兴中会’,展开革命 大业。”夏威夷群岛首府火奴鲁鲁, 我国惯称檀香
中华预防医学会口腔卫生保健专业委员会成立中华预防医学会口腔卫生保健专业委员会(ChineseAssociationforPreventiveDentistry,CAPD)于1996年6月26日在北京宣布成立。专业委员会聘请第一届委员33人;聘请刘大维... The Chinese Associa
足癣是极常见的皮肤病,俗称“脚气”,是由真菌侵入足部表皮,中医认为是因湿热下注,或久居湿地染毒侵渍皮肤所致。 (?)疗:取马齿苋,五倍子各60克,白 Athlete’s foot is a v