
来源 :中外食品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyan100
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中国的各类食品企业加起来,有8万多家。它们是受计划经济的影响成长起来的,长期依赖政府的保护艰难地生存着。这些企业大多各自为阵,封闭经营,在市场经济的惊涛骇浪中茫然无措,60%以上的企业处于停产或半停产状态。中小型食品企业更是举步维艰,其经营效应受经济大环境的摆动,本身不具备抗风险的能力和条件。在加入WTO后的经济全球化的今天,它们迫切需要外部提供“信息选择、项目抉择、技术支持、人才培训、市场援助、资金扶持”等一系列服务。 每一行业内部本身都存在着一个共同市场。这个市场也需要用市场经济的手段进行调整,使之产生强大的规模经济效益。在目前的经济条件和经济环境中,中小企业之间的横向联合、信息互动,编队出航是其生存和发展的惟一条件。 There are more than 80,000 Chinese food companies. They have grown up under the influence of the planned economy. They have long been dependent on the protection of the government and are struggling to survive. Most of these companies are in their own right, closed operations, lost their lives in the stormy sea of ​​market economy, and more than 60% of the companies are in production or semi-discontinued state. Small and medium-sized food enterprises are struggling even more. Their business effects are affected by the economic environment. They do not have the ability and conditions to resist risks. With the economic globalization after China’s accession to the WTO, they urgently need to provide a series of external services such as “information selection, project selection, technical support, talent training, market assistance, and financial support”. There is a common market within each industry itself. This market also needs to be adjusted by means of market economy, so as to produce a strong scale of economic benefits. In the current economic conditions and economic environment, horizontal integration and information interaction between SMEs and formation formation and navigation are the only conditions for their survival and development.
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