New judging model of fuzzy cluster optimal dividing based on rough sets theory

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nestle
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To investigate the judging problem of optimal dividing matrix among several fuzzy dividing matrices in fuzzy dividing space, correspondingly, which is determined by the various choices of cluster samples in the totality sample space, two algorithms are proposed on the basis of the data analysis method in rough sets theory: information system discrete algorithm (algorithm 1) and samples representatives judging algorithm (algorithm 2). On the principle of the farthest distance, algorithm i transforms continuous data into discrete form which could be transacted by rough sets theory. Taking the approximate precision as a criterion, algorithm 2 chooses the sample space with a good representative. Hence, the clustering sample set in inducing and computing optimal dividing matrix can be achieved. Several theorems are proposed to provide strict theoretic foundations for the execution of the algorithm model. An applied example based on the new algorithm model is given, whose result verifies the feasibility of this new algorithm model. To investigate the judging problem of optimal dividing matrix among several fuzzy dividing matrices in fuzzy dividing space, correspondingly, which is determined by the various choices of cluster samples in the totality sample space, two algorithms are proposed on the basis of the data analysis method in rough sets theory: information system discrete algorithm (algorithm 1) and samples representatives judging algorithm (algorithm 2). On the principle of the farthest distance, algorithm i transforms continuous data into discrete form which could be transacted by rough sets theory. precision as a criterion, algorithm 2 chooses the sample space with a good representative. therefore, the clustering sample set in inducing and computing optimal dividing matrix can be achieved. Several theorems are provided to provide strict theoretic foundations for the execution of the algorithm model. An applied example based on the new algorithm model is given, whose result verifies the feasibility of this new algorithm model.
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