
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panok123
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近年来,在农村有些农户仅着眼于近期的经济效益;只注重向耕地索取,而忽视了物质的归还;只注重增加化肥的投入,而忽视了有机肥料的投入,使有机肥料的投入数量锐减,造成耕地有机质含量减少,土壤肥力下降,使土壤生态遭到严重破坏,这就势必影响到粮食产量的逐年提高。据农业部门估算:我国农田投入的养分约有35%的氮素、50%的磷素、90%的钾素及大部分微量元 In recent years, some farmers in rural areas only focus on the recent economic benefits; only pay attention to claim for cultivated land, while ignoring the return of material; only focus on increasing input of fertilizers, while ignoring the input of organic fertilizers, so that the amount of organic fertilizers sharp As a result, the content of organic matter in cultivated land will decrease and soil fertility will decline, which will seriously damage the soil ecology, which will inevitably affect the yearly increase of grain output. According to the estimation of the agricultural sector, about 35% of the nitrogen, 50% of the phosphorus, 90% of the potassium and most of the trace elements
火灾现场,调查员们可顾不上悲伤,他们需要第一时间对事故原因进行调查并做出报告。这可是一种既细心又需要效率的调查,跟一般的犯罪调查是很不一样的。  那么,火灾调查到底是怎么进行的?来,看看火灾调查员们的工作流程吧。    寻根问底,不放过任何一处细节    作为火灾现场调查员,我们要寻求的真相就是:火是怎么烧起来的?到底是谁放的火?是有人恶意纵火?还是意外事故?为此,我们首先要确定火源。  火源的调
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