The clinical trial research of preoperative induced hypertension chemotherapy on the III staging car

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzyu888888
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Objective: To observation the therapeutic effect and the adverse reaction of preoperative induced hypertension chemotherapy (IHC) on the III staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma. Methods: 49 cases of the III staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma were divided into two groups at random. The observation group included 19 cases and the control group included 30 cases. Every case used one cycle chemotherapy. The observation group (IHC group) used chemotherapy and AT II. The control group (simple chemotherapy group) used simple chemotherapy. All cases of the two groups operated after 3 weeks rest. The specimen’s DNA was analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: The effective power of observation group was 63.2% (12/19), exairesis ratio was 84.2% (16/19). The effective power of control group was 30% (9/30), exairesis ratio was 63.3% (19/30). DNA ploid determination: 13 cases were diploid and 5 cases were heteroploid in the observation group, 9 cases were diploid and 16 cases were heteroploid in the control group. The operative complications and risks of the two groups did not increase. Conclusion: IHC can increase the therapeutic effect of III staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma obviously. IHC is one of the chemotherapy methods that have good future. It has good value of clinic enlarge trial. Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect and the adverse reaction of preoperative induced hypertension chemotherapy (IHC) on the III staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma. Methods: 49 cases of the III staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma divided into two groups at The observation group included 19 cases and the control group included 30 cases. Every case used one cycle chemotherapy. The observation group (IHC group) used chemotherapy and AT II. The control group (simple chemotherapy group) used simple chemotherapy. of the two groups operated after 3 weeks rest. The specimen’s DNA was analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: The effective power of the observation group was 63.2% (12/19), exairesis ratio was 84.2% (16/19). The effective power of control group was 30% (9/30), exairesis ratio was 63.3% (19/30). DNA ploid determination: 13 cases were diploid and 5 cases were heteroploid in the observation group, 9 cases were diploid and 16 cases wer The operative complications and risks of the two groups did not increase. Conclusion IHC can increase the therapeutic effect of III staging cardia or fundus of stomach carcinoma obviously. IHC is one of the chemotherapy methods that have good future It has good value of clinic enlarge trial.
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相信很多人都有过被不喜欢的人告白的经历,虽然不喜欢对方,但是也不希望拒绝时伤害对方。那么,最无害的拒绝男性的方式都有哪些呢?  方法一,直接告诉对方不是讨厌对方,而是自己已经有喜欢的人了。  乍一听好像有点伤人,但给对方的感觉却是原来如此啊,那就没办法了,可以把伤害降到最低。  方法二,告诉对方现在有比谈恋爱更重要的事要做,比如工作、学习等等。  实在没有的话编一个也无妨,总之要告诉对方不是因为讨