Analysis of Evaporation Heat Transfer of Thin Liquid Film in a Capillary of Equilateral Triangular C

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eton8816
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In this paper, theoretical analysis on evaporating heat transfer in capillary with equilateral triangular cross section is presented and numerical calculations based on glass-water system are carried out. Considering evaporation mechanism in capillary with polygonal section, one-dimensional model is used to describe the three-dimensional case. The evaporating meniscus in the capillary along axis can be divided into six regions. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) The local heat transfer coefficients and heat fluxes in capillary increase quickly in the first and second regions, and slowly in the third region. The maximum value appears at interline between the third and fourth regions, then gradually decreases in the last three regions. (2) The average heat transfer coefficients decrease when the sizes of the capillary section increase, and become larger under higher wall temperature. In this paper, theoretical analysis on eva holding heat transfer in capillary with equilateral triangular cross section is presented and numerical calculations based on glass-water system are carried out. Considering evaporation mechanism in capillary with polygonal section, one-dimensional model is used to describe the The evaporating meniscus in the capillary along axis can be divided into six regions. (1) The local heat transfer coefficients and heat fluxes in capillary increase quickly in the first and second regions, and slowly in the third region. The maximum value appears at interline between the third and fourth regions, then the last heat decreases in the last three regions. (2) The maximum heat transfer coefficients decrease when the sizes of the capillary section increase, and become larger under higher wall temperature.
一天,有位好友告诉我一件事:她有一位亲戚,生了个儿子,儿子现已长大成人。有一 One day, a good friend told me one thing: she had a relative who gave birth to a son
夏日的一个早晨,我家的波斯猫浪浪突然目光失神,不吃也不喝,我以为它感冒了,随便给它吃了点消炎药就上班了。中午时,老公打来了电话,说浪浪死了,问我咋办?片刻惊异之后,我说:“拿出去埋了吧。”老公却语气沉重地说:“恐怕没那么简单吧!”  老公一句话提醒了我,浪浪是女儿点点的生命,女儿3岁时就与它朝夕相伴。浪浪使女儿懂得了尊重生命,尊重小动物,使她那颗小小的心灵充满了爱心。有好吃的,女儿要分给浪浪一半;