A Floatable Piezo-Photocatalytic Platform Based on Semi-Embedded ZnO Nanowire Array for High-Perform

来源 :纳微快报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z_clear
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Photocatalytic degradation attracts considerable attention because it is a promising strategy to treat pollutants from industrial and agricultural wastes.In recent years,other than the development of efficient photocatalysts,much effort has been devoted to the design of reliable and inexpensive photocatalytic platforms that work in various environment conditions.Here,we describe a novel photocatalytic platform that is able to float and freely move atop water while performing photodegradation.Compared to common platforms,such as slurry reactors and immobilized photoreactors,the proposed platform is advantageous in terms of easy recycling and energy saving.Furthermore,the special configuration resulting from a two-step synthesis route,semi-embedded photocatalysts,addresses some of the remaining challenges,for instance,the contamination from the loose photocatalysts themselves.For the probe pollutant,methylene blue (MB),a reproducible and remarkable degradation activity of the platform,is observed and the effect of two primary factors,including surface area of the catalyst and mass transfer rate,is investigated.Besides,the piezo-photocatalysis effect,serving as an additional functionality,is confirmed to further improve the degradability of the platform,which offers an additional 20% of degraded MB.At last,the promising result of the degradation toward crude oil reveals the possibility of the platform to be used in gasoline pollution treatment.
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【摘 要】企业管理必须强化人的智能、资本运营的作用,注重成本效益观,加强基层成本核算货币化等成本管理新举措,以期实现企业持久的经济效益。  【关键词】企业 成本 管理创新  面对经济全球化及我国加入WTO的新形势,国内市场开放程度进一步加大,企业所处的外部环境更为严峻,现代企业若想在这种激烈的市场竞争中求得生存与发展,必须紧随企业外部环境及内部条件的变化,不断创新成本管理,取得长期竞争优势,实现企
【摘 要】在市场竞争环境日益复杂的今天,煤炭企业要想在竞争中保持较强的长期优势,就应该注重分析企业发展的制约因素,找出相应的改进措施,以谋求企业的长远发展。基于此,本文首先介绍了当前形势下,煤炭企业发展的制约因素,之后针对相关方面提出了煤炭企业长远发展应采取的策略。  【关键词】煤炭企业 经济发展 策略  作为我国主要能源的煤炭业,在较长时间内仍然会是我国的主要能源产业。未来几年甚至更长一段时间,
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【摘 要】分析了当前成本管理存在的问题,剖析了其产生的根源。  【关键词】企业 成本管理  面对经济全球化及我国加入WTO的新形势,国内市场开放程度进一步加大,企业所处的外部环境更为严峻。下面就企业成本管理问题作如下分析。  一、当前我国企业成本管理存在的问题  随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,企业越来越强烈地意识到成本管理工作的重要性。有部分企业的成本管理水平比较落后,主要体现在以下几个