用渗井集流雨水 补充城市地下水

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水资源匮乏已成为全球性问题。在我国亦然,其中以城市用水紧张问题尤为突出。据资料统计,我国严重缺水城市竟达40多座。社会的发展,人民生活水平不断提高。对水的需求量日益增长。以开采地下水为主要水源的城市,矛盾更加尖锐,补给量远小于开采量。为满足日需水量,掠夺式的开采地下水,颇有竭泽而渔之热。由于地下水位急剧下降,严重威胁地面建筑物的安危,地面下陷、裂缝,建筑物受损。无一不与地下水位下降有关。而城市建筑的覆盖又截断一定数量地下水源的补给,进而加大河道洪峰流量。解决城市用水,以跨流域引水是一种措施,但往往工程艰巨,投资浩大,影 Water scarcity has become a global problem. In our country, too, the problem of urban water shortage is particularly prominent. According to statistics, as many as 40 water-stressed cities in China. The development of society and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards. Demand for water is on the rise. In cities where groundwater is the main source of water, conflicts are sharper and the amount of recharge is much smaller than the amount extracted. In order to meet the daily water demand, predatory exploitation of groundwater, quite exhausted Ze Zeyu heat. Due to the drastic drop in groundwater level, the safety of ground buildings is seriously threatened, ground subsidence, cracks and buildings are damaged. All are related to the drop of groundwater level. The coverage of urban construction cut off a certain amount of groundwater recharge, thereby increasing flood peak flow. It is a measure to solve the problems of urban water use and water diversion across the river basins, but it is often difficult to undertake projects and vast investment.
【正】 目前,中国正处在从计划经济向市场经济转型时期,民间文化正以特殊的商品形态跻身市场经济。可以说民间文化已成为推动我国国民经济发展不可缺少的因素之一。探讨民间
<正> 2003年6月24日早晨,舒城县第二运输有限责任公司客运分公司驾驶员涂某某,驾驶皖N23782号苏州金龙中巴车载客22人由千人桥镇开往合肥,6:40左右,车行至206线1071 km+400m
【正】 前一阵子,宁夏女诗人莲子出了一本描写她与旅行家余纯顺、自由撰稿人杨竞一女二男三角恋爱关系的书《宁静的圣宴》,由于书中初次披露了勇士余纯顺在宁夏与莲子、杨竞
【正】 400年前,名噪一时的法国星占预言家诺查丹玛斯写下了被后人称为“新的《圣经》”的预言诗集——《诸世纪》。在诺氏众多的预言里,有关世界末日的预言格外引人注目,也
<正> 注意行人 雨天中的行人来去匆匆,为避雨往往突然横穿公路,而且低头猛跑,不注意来往车辆,特别是路边的少年儿童,常令驾驶员防不胜防;骑自行车者也在雨衣里只露出面部,很